Charging stopped due to system malfunction

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... Also I am unable to get the ne555 to output 40hz. It jumps from like 10hz to 100hz in the second jumper setting. Is 100hz ok?
I can't answer your question, because I haven't checked the possibility of variations in the heater control signal frequency. But I think that a change of 2 times in either direction is not acceptable.
It is possible that the cause of the malfunction is that for a frequency of 40 Hz the regulator is in the extreme position.
Try changing/increasing the capacity of the time-setting capacitor C1. Perhaps changing the duty cycle will help.

UPD. 45 caliber cartridge will not fit into a 38 caliber weapon, much less a 32 caliber...
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... At lowest temp:!AoMSicNQxi7y5l6Xvp-w6h47uPL4

No change in aluminum temp even after 5 mins of it running.
Strange situation. On one hand, there is no adequate heater control signal from the Power Management ECU, and on the other hand, the heater is not activated under "manual control" from simulator.

Just in case, I will ask, is the cabin heater power fuse still intact/serviceable?

It is possible that we are missing a necessary check or are mistaken in one of the previously performed...

p.s. Is this (attach.) the signal that is fed to the RMI input of the cabin heater and at the same time both 12V and GND are fed into it?


  • Screenshot_20241015_001100_OneDrive.jpg
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Just in case, I will ask, is the cabin heater power fuse still intact/serviceable?
You the continuity check between HV terminals on DC-DC and cabin terminals. I checked. If a fuse were to be blown we would expect the voltage at the cabin heater hv terminals to be zero correct?

p.s. Is this (attach.) the signal that is fed to the RMI input of the cabin heater and at the same time both 12V and GND are fed into it?
Yes, all 3 are fed using the replacement connector I made in the order gnd, rmi and pwr.
Got a good video of it.!AoMSicNQxi7y5l-3pQCOwc1stk4l

Channel 1 connected to pin 2 from top
Channel 2 connected to pin 4 from top
View attachment 991
Checking the engine speed sensor with an oscilloscope.

Thank you for your attention to my request!
Your video is a great help to many RAV4EV owners.

1. Please report the conditions/state/mode under which the speed sensor signals had the shape shown in the video.
Transmission selector P/N/D/R ?​
Brake pedal Released/Pressed ?​
Accelerator pedal Released/Pressed ?​

2. My partial/incomplete guesses.
Stage 1. Only IGN On.​
Stage 2. Go to READY.​
Stage 3. Stator RPM <1.​
Stage 4. Stator RPM>7.​
I don't want to guess at what exact state the rotor started moving :) :)
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Ign ON/READY ?Transmission selector P/N/D/R ?Brake pedal Released/Pressed ?Accelerator pedal Released/Pressed ?

Stage 1: Car was OFF
Stage 2: Press IGN on to READY directly, with foot on brake, transmission set to D
Stage 3: Brake slightly released
Stage 4: READY, D, Brake fully released but accelerator not pressed (tires were coasting). (Green ECO light was ON)
Stage 1: Car was OFF
Stage 2: Press IGN on to READY directly, with foot on brake, transmission set to D
Stage 3: Brake slightly released
Stage 4: READY, D, Brake fully released but accelerator not pressed (tires were coasting). (Green ECO light was ON)
Thanks for clarification!

Judging by the way the pulse repetition period changes in state 3, it is quite likely that the rotor is already rotating in this state.
Recommendations regarding this case of using an oscilloscope.
a) reduce the sweep time to 5 ms per division;​
b) set the sensitivity to 1 V per division for both channels;​
c) (optional) since one of the outputs has a constant component (approximately >2 V), then "close" the input so that the oscilloscope displays alternating signals (the icon of this mode is in an orange outline).​

My confusion. I cannot understand why the signals are so different in shape. One of them resembles the output signal of an inductive sensor (pseudo sine wave), and the other is similar to the output of a digital sensor (rectangle).

It's a pity that the oscilloscope is not protected from interference with a frequency of 100 Hz.
What is your AC frequency, 50 Hz or 60 Hz?