@alflash @asavage Yay ! I got the heater to heat up when I lowered the external resistance to around 333ohm ! I dont know if it is safe though. I measured current draw going through the resistor and draw was fluctuating between 10mA and 30mA.
1. Please note the notes. As I assume, max. allowed power for the used R type =0.125W.

2. I hardly understand why the heater "obeys" the pulses of the generator with Rloads > 1.5kOhm (especially when it has a "colleague" inside the LIN transceiver Rnorm.mode).
3. At a current of 0.03A, the power released on a 330 Ohm resistor is P=0.3W.
4. If the pulse amplitude decreases to 7V w and/or w/o connecting D15 to the heater, then this is evidence of an abnormal overload of the PMC ECU unit.
5. Q. What is the reason for the sharp/abrupt change in the duty cycle of control pulses (in the video, at 2nd sec)?
Connecting the D15 connector?
@alflash Do you know if the heater control signal appear even if D15 is disconnected, in a normally functioning heater?
Unfortunately, I do not know the answer to this question.
I will try to repeat the "tabletop" test of the transceiver's response to different
Rloads values and different frequencies, amplitudes and duty cycles of control pulses.