With current price incentives December sales may be better

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Richard C. said:
I've been told (by a CA dealership) that I'll have to pay CA sales tax, even if the vehicle is shipped to WA. Is that your understanding?

That is incorrect. You only have to pay CA sales tax if you take possession of the car in CA. If the dealer has a bill of lading that shows that the car was purchased from an out of state buyer and shows that the car was shipped across the border, then they do not have to collect sales tax. You can have it shipped all the way to your home or just ship it to Reno, NV or Medford, OR and pick it up there and drive it. Probably easier to just ship it all the way home, but my point is that all the dealer has to show is that it was shipped across the state line and not driven on CA roads. As long as you register and use it out of state first, then it is ok to bring it back to CA for use and not incur sales tax.

There is a lot of misinformation out there. This is very new and different for the dealers.

Confirmed, no CA sales tax as long as the dealer has a bill of lading showing the car left the state. That does mean that you cannot pick the car up at the dealer and drive it out of state, yes I tried that route. :(

What I really could not get confirmation on was the $2500 Toyota loyalty cash. None of the advertising is at all clear. 2 different dealers said it was only for previous RAV4 EV owners but that is not what it says in some of the ads. For now I am going with the deal I got.
SeattleRav4 said:
- $2500 Rav4 EV rebate (only applicable if you own a RAV4 EV) this one is very confusing but i got the same story from a couple of dealers.
I brought a 2nd '12 Rav4EV yesterday because of Toyota's $7500 incentive. I haven't gotten the $2500 check from the purchase of my first '12 Rav4EV yet. I am just about to mail out my 2nd $2500 application. I looked at the form word by word, there is not a mention that you have to be a owner or Xowner of old Rav4EV. How do you post/attach a form here? Perhaps you have better eye to find it than mine.
Hmmm . . . are you referring to the $2500 CA rebate or Toyota's so-called "loyalty" rebate to purchasers of a new 2012 RAV4 EV? In the case of the former, you are surely eligible to apply again upon purchasing a second 2012 RAV4 EV. You could even buy a third or fourth and still be eligible for additional CA rebates of equal amounts.

It is unclear how Toyota's loyalty rebate works, other than it too is in the amount of $2500. Presumably, it applies to purchasers of a new 2012 RAV4 EV that still own an original 1997-2003 RAV4 EV, or an existing standard non-EV RAV4 of a more recent model. As far as I know this has never been clarified by Toyota as to what specifically is meant by the "loyalty" rebate program. You sound like someone more likely to know more about that yourself. Perhaps, you qualified by simply buying a second 2012 RAV EV, so please enlighten the rest of us.

Btw, congrats times two! :mrgreen:
Dsinned said:
Hmmm . . . are you referring to the $2500 CA rebate or Toyota's so-called "loyalty" rebate to purchasers of a new 2012 RAV4 EV? In the case of the former, you are surely eligible to apply again upon purchasing a second 2012 RAV4 EV. You could even buy a third or fourth and still be eligible for additional CA rebates of equal amounts.

It is unclear how Toyota's loyalty rebate works, other than it too is in the amount of $2500. Presumably, it applies to purchasers of a new 2012 RAV4 EV that still own an original 1997-2003 RAV4 EV, or an existing standard non-EV RAV4 of a more recent model. As far as I know this has never been clarified by Toyota as to what specifically is meant by the "loyalty" rebate program. You sound like someone more likely to know more about that yourself. Perhaps, you qualified by simply buying a second 2012 RAV EV, so please enlighten the rest of us.

Btw, congrats times two! :mrgreen:
I do own a 2002 Rav4-EV since April 2, 2002.
Here is the fine print for Toyota's $2500 incentive. I don't know how to attach the form so I cut and paste it.
1Incentive Terms and Conditions: Incentive may be subject to income tax. Consumer is responsible for all applicable taxes. Customer must purchase or lease and take delivery of an eligible NEW Toyota from dealer stock at a Toyota Retailer in the U.S. by January 7, 2013. This incentive is not valid for any vehicle purchased or leased prior to September 29, 2012. Your request for payment of the incentive must be postmarked, together with all required documents, by January 15, 2013.
Void where prohibited by law. Limit one incentive person per vehicle. The incentive is not transferrable and available only to legal U.S. residents. Buyer/Co-buyer on the buyers order, finance contract, purchase or lease agreement must be the recipient of this incentive. A legible copy of the buyer’s order, finance contract or lease agreement that clearly states the make, model, VIN, dealer name, dealer code, and buyer’s name and address must be included with your submission. Use of fictitious names, multiple addresses or P.O. boxes to obtain additional incentives is a violation of federal law and may result in prosecution. This incentive may not be published in any publication without written permission from Toyota. Toyota may cancel, rescind or extend this incentive at any time. No redemption will be honored for any club, organization, group, legal entity, Toyota employees, Toyota affiliates, Toyota retailers and their employees, nonregistered vehicles, fleet, company vehicles, vehicle intended for export or retail demos.
Toyota is not responsible for lost, late, damaged or postage-due mail. Incomplete or illegible requests will not be honored. All requests become the property of Toyota and will not be returned. This incentive is valid only in the U.S. Allow 6–8 weeks for receipt of your incentive. You will be notified by U.S. mail if redemption information can’t be verified. Check is issued in the name submitted and mailed to the address on this form.
For any questions regarding this incentive, please call 1 (800) 331-4331. TERMS AND CONDITIONS:
• Offer valid on all eligible purchases and leases during eligibility dates specified on this certificate.
• Offer valid on any new, unused and unlicensed 2012 RAV EV (as specified on page one) purchased out of dealer stock during the program period and registered with the appropriate state
motor vehicle department. Fleet purchasers are excluded.
• Offer valid for current RAV EV owners (RAV EV model years 1998–2003).
• One coupon per retail transaction.
• Must be 18 years of age and have a valid driver’s license.
• Offer void where prohibited.
• Only the original customer signed certificate will be honored. Mechanical reproductions or facsimiles are not valid.
• Ineligible sales:
o All category “J” car and truck sales
o All TMS Special Purchase Program (Type Sales Code 02) car and truck sales
o Vehicles reported sold during the program period and subsequently rolled back
o Vehicles sold in violation of Toyota’s export policy
o Vehicles traded from one dealership to another are ineligible for the trading (sending) dealership
o All vehicles sold to conversion companies
o Vehicles sold to a broker, used-vehicle dealer or any other reseller that are not delivered to the ultimate consumers during the program period
o Vehicles that are not officially registered with the appropriate state motor vehicle department
o Vehicles utilizing dealer or other similar plates that preclude the need to register the individual vehicle with the appropriate state motor vehicle department o Vehicles placed in dealer demo service
o Vehicles purchased through authorized Toyota auctions
©2012 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved.
I am very surprised this does not have the word only at the end. Where were the lawyers?
"Offer valid for current RAV EV owners (RAV EV model years 1998–2003)"
If anyone gets the rebate that is not a RAV4 EV owner years 1998-3003, please let us know, I would say it was open to anyone.
It certainly does not say an original owner. I may be in the market for a cheap wrecked one. :)
That's cool Toyota. Post this loyalty program on you web page and dealer web pages. Make it sound like your being really nice. To bad this is only for 1,500 people Max, if that. I think there is only around half of tha t number still.
LastEmp said:
Latest rebate /finance cash incentive from Toyota for the RAV4 EV is $6,000 until Feb 4th http://www.southerncalifornia.buyatoyota.com/Specials/SpecialOffers.aspx
On Jan 16th, I was also offered 60 month 0% financing. The lease offer presented to me had less than $3,500 benefit that should have been due to the leasing company getting the tax credit. Their lease offer sheet was very confusing. The Toyota $6,000 customer cash was included in the drive-off cost, which trickled down into the cap reduction after title and registration fees. The effective interest rate of the lease did seem to be quite low though.
miimura said:
The lease offer presented to me had less than $3,500 benefit that should have been due to the leasing company getting the tax credit.

...less than $3,500 benefit that should have been due to the leasing company getting the [$7500] tax credit.

Toyota sticks $4000 in their pocket with a lease that they won't get when you purchase.
I got my 2nd $2500 check from Toyota in today's mail, from the purchase of my 2nd Rav4EV. In conclusion, I got $7500 off from the Toyota's incentive + ~$850 dealer's discount on my 2nd Rav4EV.

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