I think the Rav4 EV should only get 3 credits earned per vehicle, or they may fudge their numbers to call the Rav4 a 200 mile car and get 4 credits. One or the other; see the below table.
The $5000 is the PENALTY per car, in addition to the earned or purchased credits.
The hydrogen car can be seen here, for late 2014 or 2015:
You can bet it will have a "300 mile range" through 2017!!! That's 7 credits per vehicle, and they only have to make 1427 minimum. After 2017, the credit drops to 3.
For 2012-2014 "Phase 3", 12% of production must meet yearly ZEV requirements (including ZEV's, Enhanced AT PZEVs, ATPZEVs and PZEVs). Of that 12%, 0.79% must be ZEV.
Any type of ZEV may be used
Type V - 300+ miles range "fast refueling" - Credit per vehicle: 7 - Required # 1427
Type IV - 200+ miles range "fast refueling" - Credit per vehicle: 5 - Required # 2000
Type III - 100+ miles range "fast refueling" - Credit per vehicle: 4 - Required # 2500
Type III - 200+ miles range -------------- Credit per vehicle: 4 - Required # 2500
Type II - 100+ miles range --------------- Credit per vehicle: 3 - Required # 3333
Type I.5 - 75-100 miles range ----------- Credit per vehicle: 2.5 - Required # 4000
Type I - 50-75 miles range --------------- Credit per vehicle: 2 - Required # 5000
After 2017, the credits for Type III, IV and V drop to 3
All manufacturers must report by May of the calendar year following the compliance model year; e.g., for 2008 model year, report is due may 1, 2009. Manufacturers may update reports until September. Manufacturers have two years to make up a ZEV deficit, or they are subject to penalties outlines in Health and Safety Code 43211:
$5000 penalty per vehicle not produced