Tesla Powertrain Diagnostics ("TPD") v1.1.46

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Aug 7, 2017
Oak Harbor, Wash.
Screenshot from 2024-02-20 13-59-15.png

TPD 1.1.46 does not require licensing to operate, and is now available for "anyone". Via TIS subscription and download ($25 for two days), or from other places.
The GEN2 RAV4 EV, 2012-2014, has a Tesla-produced drivetrain, which includes:
  • Drive unit (motor + inverter) aka "large drive unit" as opposed to the later variants and replacement models, aka "LDU"
  • On-board AC charger ("OBC")
  • Thermal management system (three coolant pumps, sensors, thermal mgmt module
  • DC-DC Converter (produces 12vdc from ~386vdc traction battery)
  • Gateway module: translates Tesla<->Toyota comms
The federally-required OBDII port under the steering wheel allows you to use Toyota's proprietary TechStream software + J2534 dongle to talk to the Toyota bits of the car. However, you can't query the Tesla bits via that port. TechStream + dongle is so easily had in cracked format that you can buy it on Amazon (I did).

For working with the Tesla bits, there is a second OBDII port in the LR interior of the car, which has a plastic key molded in to prevent a std. OBDII plug being inserted. The Tesla side can speak TCP/IP via ethernet, or CAN, and both interfaces are available on this port. However, it too requires proprietary Tesla software: Tesla Powertrain Diagnostics ("TPD"), which you can't buy on Amazon.

For most of the last twelve years, the only version of TPD one could obtain was 1.1.42, and then only cracked versions for $$$. That has recently changed; v1.1.46 is now available, and it doesn't require licensing to operate.

A proprietary OBDII<->ethernet cable is still required; it can be fabricated, or purchased.

Installing TPD 1.1.46

(Assuming Windows 10)
  • Start installation by running the program setup-1.1.46-rav4-service.exe
  • Allow Windows permission to install
  • At the "Welcome" screen, select "Next"
  • Agree to the License Agreement
  • Choose an installation location (I accept the offered default)
  • Let it add a shortcut to the Start Menu
  • If you want a desktop icon for TPD, select that option
  • Confirm the above choices by selecting "Install"
  • TPD is installed

Running TPD the first time

When starting TPD the first time after install, Windows firewall (if enabled) will (probably) pop up and ask to configure network access for TPD. The default is "Public networks" and this is a configuration that is known to work.


Select "Allow access"
TPD completes initial startup. There will be four windows displayed initially (two more are "under" the Pump Tool Monitor):


For now, close the three small ones (Pump Tool Monitor, Charger, and Battery Return Information) and you're left with the main TPD screen.

TPD ethernet configuration

TPD wants to be told which network adapter interface to use. Most laptops these days have but one: Wi-Fi, but older laptops have a physical ethernet port (usually 8P8C/RJ45). Your Tesla Gateway adapter cable's RJ45 end will need to plug into something. If your laptop has a ethernet port, you're set. If not, you'll need to invest in a USB<->ethernet adapter and use that.

It's best to plug in the Tesla Gateway cable to the car and laptop now. Why?

With the cable not connected on both devices: If you were to choose Help|Network Configuration (you'll be asked by Windows UAC to run a program; grant it access), you'll only be presented with whatever ethernet adapter(s) that is/are currently active, probably only your laptop's Wi-Fi adapter that's currently in use. This is confusing, because TPD doesn't yet "see" the car's Tesla Gateway, and it can't let you choose it. That's why you need to plug in the cable -- to the laptop AND the car.

Once the cable is connected, choose Help|Network Configuration, allow Windows UAC to proceed, and you'll be presented with (probably) TWO network interfaces: Wi-Fi, and your physical ethernet port.


(the names of your adapters will be different)

Select the network adapter that corresponds to your physical ethernet (RJ45) port. Do not select your Wireless interface. Your ethernet port might be the one built-in to your laptop, or a USB-to-ethernet adapter. If you don't see your physical port (built-in, or USB adapter), try selecting the "Refresh Network" button; the list may re-populate and include the port. But it's best to connect the cable to the car & laptop before getting to this screen, IME.

Once you've selected your ethernet port (NOT Wi-Fi), the dialogue will expand and you'll be presented with more options:


Select "Vehicle Mode", then "OK"


TPD ethernet configuration is complete.

TPD: Connecting to the car

The Tesla Gateway goes to sleep. Opening the rear hatch does not awaken it (though it does awaken the Toyota CAN). However, opening the driver's door will trigger the Tesla side to awaken, and the instrument cluster will display its usual stuff, such as the GOM (estimated range). If things are working correctly, with the laptop connected to the car, TPD configured for the correct network interface, and the Tesla Gateway awake, within ~3 seconds the red indicator at the lower left of the TPD's main screen will turn to green, and shortly the VIN field to the right of it will become populated.


TPD has successfully connected to your car.
For reference, the install file is ~31Mb, and installed it requires under 100Mb of storage.

Using TPD is beyond the scope of this post, but there are forum members who can help you stumble through the screens and can look over your shoulder if you provide screenshots.
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This post is wonderfully comprehensive. Some time ago, I worked with Vlad and constructed a cable similar to those presented in the supplemental post. It connected the Tesla port to a specially configured router, to which the data was transmitted across the globe. Is it fair to believe that this DIY cable, which worked fine, is also likely to work with this software?

I don't have a pressing need to read the brains of either of our Rav4EVs, but it's great to know that I now have the ability to observe the inner workings. Thank you for sharing this.
Coupla questions: Will this software and cable let you reset the "Check EV system" warning? You mention "Via TIS subscription and download ($25 for two days)," does that mean you need a subscription to use the software any time you want to use it?
Anybody know if the S/W will run on Win 7? I have an old MacBook Pro that boots Win 7.
I am not intimate with the functions of TPD; I've used it a half-dozen times for specific tasks, and it has basically no Help file.

For example, first time ever, I had an "EV System Error" while driving yesterday. Pulling out of Safeway, needed a bit more accel than I normally use. Started to accel, then a jerk and loss of power, error msg on dash, and had to stop and cycle the "ignition" to get it moving again. 70k miles, this hasn't happened before. Also had the "check power steering" message, which I think indicates that the HV contactors had opened. (I probably have coolant in my inverter, sloshing around). Cycling the "ignition" got it moving again without fuss, but the "Check EV system" message remained.

I stopped and restarted two more times (errands), then at home, without turning it off, I jacked in and used TPD: No Alerts listed, nothing I could see amiss, no stored DTCs, and yet there was still a "Check EV System" message on the dash.

This morning, it still remains on the display.

Do I need to fire up TechStream on the Toyota side? IDK.


I haven't paid for a 2-day subscription to TIS in over six months, and I've installed/deleted TPD 1.1.46 at least six times here, so I think it's safe to assume that you don't need to have a subscription with TIS to use this.

With the earlier version 1.1.42, I was unable to have it work with win8.1, but I have to assume that it was a mis-configuration or firewall issue, as 1.1.42 was released in the W7 era. However, I have only tested installing this file, 1.1.46, on W10. As I'm out of spare SSDs for the laptop, and I don't have a W7 VM set up at the moment, I'm going to allow someone else to verify install on W7.
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For new (and old) TPD users: unlike typical automotive ECUs, the Tesla RAV4 gateway only seems to know about what's happening "right now" - if you cycle ignition power, my experience has been that any record of faults (unless still currently active) will go away. If you are having an intermittent problem but no errors are shown in TPD, you may need to drive around with the software running to see if it captures any fault events.

The 'Check EV Systems' alert on the instrument cluster is controlled by the Toyota side of things, but is simply responding to a message from the Tesla gateway that a fault was detected. If the fault goes away, the Toyota ECU will clear the warning after a fixed number (20?) of successful drive cycles, or one can use Techstream to clear the indicator. Techstream will most likely report a generic 'P312F' error code, that simply translates as 'malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) requested'.

Al - I had an issue last week that twice while coming to a stop, the car went into neutral and would not go back in drive until I cycled power five times. As luck would have it, I was trying out a CAN logger on the Tesla gateway, and the fault captured was 'DI_f020 Speed sensor problem detected' I guess it's time to pull my speed sensor and check for coolant leakage...
Thanks a lot!
Software work fine! This will greatly simplify the process of remote diagnostics!

About minor changes in the program

Note. Access requires a Professional Diagnostic subscription.
The Standard subscription level does not provide access to diagnostic programs. In addition, only the Toyota GTSplus version is already available in Europe, and TIS has not updated the GTS since March last year (https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInf...info/html/prelogin/tsrss/ts_new_features.html).
The new version was not without losses. Tesla decided to modestly keep silent about the serial number and age of HV battery. Although the date* of her birth is stored in the car. But new data has appeared that is not defined in the repair manual. There are other changes in both directions...
* https://alflash.com.ua/2019/to_rav4ev/bat_ret_46.png

And the main unpleasant news about the new version is that it does not have the ability to erase/reset the permanent BMS_w023 code :(
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There is an easier way to get a working diagnostic program.
The fact is that Tesla Power Train Diagnostics has stopped working with old keys since May 29, 2023. I made a keygen for version 1.42 and a patch so that the program would work without time limits.
Those interested can contact PM.
... Дело в том, что Tesla Power Train Diagnostics перестала работать со старыми ключами с 29 мая 2023* года. Я сделал кейген для версии 1.42 и патч, чтобы программа работала без ограничений по времени.
Этот патч есть замена gateway.dll?
* https://alflash.com.ua/2019/to_rav4ev/reg.png
Isn't the language of communication here English? Try using Google translator.
Follow your call/advice and “you will understand everything, you will see everything for yourself” :)

Where are the restrictions on the use of languages on this forum? Link, please.
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Do you need a link to the fact that on an English-language forum, out of politeness, it is advisable to communicate in English? I'm sorry, she won't be there.
Excuse me other readers for this forced off-topic.

Do you need a link to the fact that on an English-language forum, out of politeness, it is advisable to communicate in English? I'm sorry, she won't be there.
IMHO. The rules/restrictions of this forum are set by its administrator, not by a participant with a baggage of three messages in 3.5 years of registration.
Again, excuse me other readers for this forced off-topic. :(
With your permission, I will continue to use English here, rather than Russian.
Thanks for understanding.
This is very kind of you, but I do not regulate or moderate this forum and I don’t care what language you use for your messages.
And I did not encourage or recommend communicating in any one language, and especially in Russian.
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