A year ago today I bought the Rav4 EV. It was a cool feeling knowing I was one of the very first people to buy the 2012 Rav4 EV, that is until a few months later and they started selling them with a discount. Being one of the first has other downsides, two days into owning the car I got a EV system error warning. Taking the car to Toyota then was not fun. They knew so little of the car that is would have to stay for days if not longer so they could talk to Tesla. The EV warning turned out to be that the EVSE system at my wives work did not work with the car (the SPX), a few days later cause of this error Toyota put out a warning about incompatible EVSE systems. A year ago if you talked to Toyota corporate they had you do a lot of the testing and leg work. I do know that a lot of that has not changed, It is just easier. Besides the few warnings and unknown system noises my Rav4 EV has been working and running great. I have had to replace the windscreen (not Cheap $1,300), turns out there is no after market windscreens for this car (its all bout that humidity sensor). I also had to replace one tire due to side wall damage. I have not bothered with doing upgrades or mods to this car. To me this car is just a commuter are and not my hot rod (even though it is very fast off the line
). Currently I have just over 16,000 miles on the car, I do about 60 to 70 miles a day. With the 100 mile range I have never had to worry or not gone places I would normally go here in Los Angeles. I do mostly freeway driving, most of which is not in heavy traffic. It is very common for me to be pushing 70+ mph on the car (I do not hypermile at all I drive the car like its a car) and I still get an easy 100 mile range. I would say that after a year and 16,000 miles I have not lost any range on the car. If you asked me today if I would buy this car again I would say yes. The only downside about this car and after a year you feel it more is that Toyota does not care about this car. They will fix it and maintain it but they just want to sell there numbers and move on.