Same 93 miles on both standard and extended mode

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New member
Dec 8, 2017
Hello everyone,

I just purchased a used 2014 Rav4 EV with 58000 miles on it.
When I got the car the range value shown was 93 miles and the owner told me that this is a typical standard mode charging.
After getting the car home (I drove 35 miles) I've put it in a standard L2 charging, clicked on extended mode option and in the morning the range shown was 93 miles.
So I thought that I somehow did not check the extended mode option and I did this same procedure again after driving from Daly City to San Jose and back. In the morning the car range shown again 93 miles. I drove in a most EV friendly way possible. And yet, it seems that the car is capable to do no more than 100 miles no matter which mode is used. //Drove 95 miles and 5 miles of range left//

Is this a pretty typical degradation of the battery at around 60K miles?
I expected at least 110-115 miles in a "regular" drive mode (some AC, some heat) if battery charged in extended mode...

The person who sold me the car seemed to be a decent person and I have no reasons to believe that they messed up the battery somehow.

Its hard to accept such a large degradation in Tesla battery.


Welcome to the group. What you are calling "range value" we call the "GOM" for Guess-O-Meter. That value, especially when the RAV is fully charged, is not very accurate. If you go to the beginning of this forum and read the topic "ALL POSTS - GOM - Range Meter - Distance To Empty meter" you will have a much better understanding of what it is telling you. The RAV is a wonderful car, but they did not do a great job when they created the range prediction (GOM).

Unfortunately this seems like it might be correct.

As the battery in a Rav fades, most of the loss is hidden in the "extended" portion. In normal mode, the battery is charged to some Voltage; in extended mode to some slightly higher Voltage.

As the battery fades, the standard Voltage is increased gradually which has the effect of reducing the increment range in extended mode; and worse yet punishes the battery because the standard charge Voltage keeps getting higher.

I've not heard of a case as extreme as yours, but it seems possible the standard charge Voltage is now up to what was originally the extended level and there is no incremental charge in extended mode.

Yes, do check to see it's not just a GOM problem....see what is the real range. But if what you are reporting is real, then I would first have it diagnosed (might be a warranted failure) and if necessary sell the car for whatever you can get and replace it with something new.

I believe you said your drove 95 miles in an economical manner and had only 5 miles left...this seems real, not GOM related..
Mine has 52,000 and the DTE showed 128 miles this afternoon with extended range on and climate control off.
Yes the extended range option adds less and less as the battery ages.
And the range meter does fluctuate day to day in about a two week cycle of dropping and then popping back up.
Cold weather also will 'shrink' the battery. You should see range improvement in the Spring after a few longer 95+ degree days.
I have probably lost 10+ miles since Summer and expect to get some of them back next Summer.
The GOM adjusts according to how you drive. It may be that had you charged it on a standard charge it would have been lower than the 93 the last owner experienced. My GOM after a standard charge is around 87, but jumps to 95 plus after a road trip. If you really want to get a handle on degradation, do the "Tony test". You do an extended charge, then disconnect the 12v battery for a few hours. This resets the GOM. A new RAV will read 143 on the GOM in this scenario, your car will give something less.
If you really want to know the range, rather than depending on the car's estimate of its capacity (Tony test) why not do what the original poster did? Drive the car to near depletion.

He reported that after 95 miles of careful driving, he had 5 miles left. His range was pretty close to 100 miles. Only thing more he could have done was drive til it stopped in case the remaining range indication was inaccurate.

That said, I would love for him to do a Tony Test...let's see if it really does work in cases such as this.
I have a 13 with 55K - live in the north bay - this time of year my reg and extended charges show 93-98 miles. If I do a reset it goes back to 131. But a few days of driving with nights around 40 degrees and some heat use - and its right back to the 90's. As soon as the days get warm enough the battery heater isn't on all the time - the GOM will come back to "normal expected" range.