Yes, this data was collected from the blue Tesla diagnostic port. I built a small CAN logger that captures data to an SD card, which I can then import into Excel to decode cell voltages.
How similar is this to your program?I haven't used SMT before. Since I do a lot of Arduino-based tinkering, I simply built a small logger than writes CAN to an SD card as ASCII text, which I can then evaluate in different programs I've written.
I used the device aka Break-Out-Box (No. 1) only for quick connection of 12V to ELM327.Vlad has a nice YT vid showing a CAN->SMT setup and I put together something that's working with SMT. Notably, on my list at post #22 above, I do not recommend that extension cable, as it's not of typical construction and was a PITA to modify.
Scan My T3SLA (home website) (iPad version) (Android version)
Vlad shows a few extra hardware bits in his vid that I'm not using; no breakout boxes, for example:
can i bring my 2014 rav 4 down for repair? Im in williams azWe were talking or someone referred you to me because I've herd about this. I'm in Surprise, and we're the ones who pioneered cell level repairs - before Gruber. We regularly repair MS batteries with good results and can do the RAV4 also. Charger repairs too.
My phone #is 602 738 0728 . Just call me and let me know when I can bring my RAV 4 ev to your shop in Surprise.I've answered the email you sent. Maybe my reply went to spam?
i did not get your emailI've answered the email you sent. Maybe my reply went to spam?
my bad, it was in the spam. i did get it .Matt Merkle did a tesla scan on it an found out some issues . I tried to includ it im the email i sent youi did not get your email
Can you provide the results of the Tesla system scan, such as fault codes, or is this a commercial top-secret?my bad, it was in the spam. i did get it .Matt Merkle did a tesla scan on it an found out some issues . I tried to includ it im the email i sent you
I'm trying to find it . It seems to have gone away some how ? During my correspondence with Matt Merkle he sent the reading as an attachment. I'll see if Matt still has it .Can you provide the results of the Tesla system scan, such as fault codes, or is this a commercial top-secret?
Thank you for your attention to my bad, it was in the spam. i did get it .Matt Merkle did a tesla scan on it an found out some issues . I tried to includ it im the email i sent you