Hi Guys,
Well, I have bad news. Lately I noticed a rotten smell inside the rav4 ev's cabin. It was like mllk or rotten eggs. Unfortunately I had spilled some milk inside the rav4 ev a few weeks ago and I thought this was the culprit... but I was wrong.
It turns out the lead acid battery was cooking? Or something, and the smell was getting in to the rav4 ev's cabin through the air vents... blowing through the air outlets inside the cabin when turned on. Today at night I tried to turn the rav4 ev on and the thing wouldn't budget, just struggle. I asked for a jump start and surely enough the rav4 ev started.
Then I noticed a small amount of acid spilled on top of the battery where the vents/openings are (TO check for its fluids I think) and I then understood what was that smell. It was the lead acid. Shortly after turning on the rav4 ev it started to sizzle or gurggle. I herd something inside boiling or sizzling or gurgling. My guess is that fluids in the lead acid got low and due to the over night camping I do in the rav it just compounded the problem.
I believe for the last 3 days or so? I had been exposed to the fumes getting into the cabin all the time thinking it was the milk I had spilled some time ago. I'm not sure what to thing. I noticed the hood had some gaskets that are supposed to seal the motor area from the air ducts but either these don't work ro toyota is just bad at design.
I need to take the rav4 ev in to the shop now and I wonder how much they will charge for another lead acid battery? Yet I feel like I should try and agm battery since if this happened once it might happen again and I don't want to sleep with lead acid fumes.
Then there is my health as a concern. Not sure what to think. I believe this had been going on for the past 3 nights. I looked up the symptoms and I don't believe I got any. Though I did feel a slight bit weak on my hip joints, but I had been doing a lot of athletic activity and I do have an old hip injury that flares up. Life has just sort of been a mess.
I need some advice

Symptoms from breathing in the poison may include:
Bluish skin, lips, and fingernails
Breathing difficulty
Body weakness
Chest pain (tightness)
Coughing up blood
Low blood pressure
Rapid pulse
Shortness of breath
I have no health insurance. No blueish skin anywhere though I had felt some weakness but again lots of activity and life had been a mess so things were a bit out of order. I did catch a bit of a cold that I had been working through with greenish phlegm, but that was at least from what I recall earlier than the rotten smell came up.
No health insurance.
I hate the fact that this issue came up at the same time I had spilled some milk inside the rav4 ev. I just thought... 'It's that milk I spilled' and was gonna get to cleaning the area that I thought had it. This just makes me feel bummed out and frustrated. It's like, you are trying to get things straight and right then things just come up to you out of nowhere and beat you down.
I feel like if toyota does replace the lead acid with another lead acid I might end up with the same issue. Plus I do recall lead acid batteries do vent fumes anyway. Seeing that the fumes leak into the cabin even with a good lead acid there has got to be some fumes coming in already.