Toyota Entune Problem

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Phatcat73 said:
This is even more frustrating where I live. We've had a few days with single digit temps. At the same time, my wife's Leaf Stat app is 99% reliable on her Leaf.
Do you mean the Leaf's Carwings app/system? Leaf Stat and the similar LeafSpy are 3rd party apps that interface with OBD2 readers; they're not at all analogous to Entune (we don't yet have anything comparable for the Rav.) And Carwings has had plenty of its own outages, although it's true that it's not as bad as Entune.
3/6/15 at 9:45AM Pacific time: Case # assigned for my Remote Climate control not working. "You're not the first I've spoken to about this issue" (George @ Entune)

Couldn't solve anything over the phone, but had me check "Vehicle Finder" part of Entune. (It also didn't work), and ECO dashboard (which DID show location at shutdown last night). Also had me try the SAFETY CONNECT button in the car to see if it was a vehicle-side problem or an app problem. Safety connect answered so that was ruled out. He also asked if I had taken the car to a dealer to be checked and I guess I unloaded a bit heavily on Toyota's ****** treatment of out of CA owners.

He said they were escalating the case and mentioned that "about half the systems are having problems and half are working perfectly so the app vendor is looking at it more closely.

In case you don't have the number handy: 1-800-331-4331 and select: Option: 4, then Option: 2

DO CALL if you're having any problems whatsoever with Entune. I waited thinking it was probably just "pilot error" on my part.
about half the systems are having problems and half are working perfectly so the app vendor is looking at it more closely.
I'd be interested in hearing from a single person here on the forum for whom the system has successfully activated a remote charge or remote climate request after 3/2. I strongly suspect that what George told you was disingenuous.
Larry_in_Seattle said:
3/6/15 at 9:45AM Pacific time: Case # assigned for my Remote Climate control not working. "You're not the first I've spoken to about this issue" (George @ Entune)

I reported it as well by phone (still haven't got an email response but percy is doing some course this week)
Got somebody who insisted I would take it in to a dealership to have it diagnosed.
I _tried_ kindly to explain that if I have 2 rav4ev's and both have the same symptoms, it's not the car that needs to be checked but the central software system.

Man, I almost hung up on him, he would not bulge.
Let's hope all rav4ev owners try and "update" their charge state on the entune app, it fails after 2 minutes.
If 100+ people today would call Toyota for that , that would make a statement... (I hope)
fooljoe said:
Phatcat73 said:
This is even more frustrating where I live. We've had a few days with single digit temps. At the same time, my wife's Leaf Stat app is 99% reliable on her Leaf.
Do you mean the Leaf's Carwings app/system? Leaf Stat and the similar LeafSpy are 3rd party apps that interface with OBD2 readers; they're not at all analogous to Entune (we don't yet have anything comparable for the Rav.) And Carwings has had plenty of its own outages, although it's true that it's not as bad as Entune.

It's actually called the Leaf Link app on iOS. starting climate control has been 99% reliable on the first try.
Phatcat73 said:
It's actually called the Leaf Link app on iOS. starting climate control has been 99% reliable on the first try.
Ah, ok. Leaf Link is a 3rd party app that uses the Leaf's Carwings network to communicate with the car. It's analogous to using RavCharge instead of the stock Entune app.
I tried a remote charge 3 times and it failed 3 times. I'm on hold with Toyota now and the person doesn't know what a RAV4 EV is. Luckily I very seldom need to use the entune remote feature.

She just came back and asked what entune plan I have. Shouldn't she know? I told her it's whatever comes with the car. I'm back on hold listening to funeral music.

After about 20 minutes I got a case #. She wanted me to change my password and I refused...I don't want introduce any more problems.
I just came out to my car and found the pre-climate running. Not even 5 seconds later, Percy called and told me they fixed the problem. So everyone give it a try and see if it's working for you.
Yep, he called me too, said the network issue that was causing this had been resolved, and I was able to trigger a remote charge. (The battery was too low to test pre-climate, which I'll do tomorrow.) Thank goodness.
As of Saturday morning 3/7 mine is still not working. Neither the Remote Climate nor the Charge Management are working.

Hmm, those of you in CA report that the problem has been fixed. In WA, at least for me, it's still broken. Another case of Toyota's second-class treatment of out-of-CA owners?
My car will start the Remote Climate and will complete a Remote Charge Start, but the app gives two "unable to complete request" errors before the charge actually starts. Also, the Charge Management Update function doesn't work. I will update my case with Toyota to indicate these things.
My Rav finished charging about an hour ago, but no email from Entune. Also just tried remote climate - FAIL. I don't think it's fixed for everyone yet.
eplantz said:

Might be fixed. it seems to be working for me today.

I have had no non-automated responses from Toyota (yet).

I did just receive a call from a Toyota guy who said it was a network problem and was "starting to become functional".
dstjohn99 said:
My Rav finished charging about an hour ago, but no email from Entune. Also just tried remote climate - FAIL. I don't think it's fixed for everyone yet.
This type of issue with Entune is almost always an "all or nothing" issue in terms of the number of users affected, but it's not uncommon for the remote climate command in particular to take a couple tries to click, even when things are "working." That's why I designed RavCharge to automatically resend the command up to 5 times - I was tired of logging into the Entune app, trying to start the climate control, waiting forever to see what happened, only to have to repeat the process a couple minutes later.
Monday night, March 9th.

Both Charge Management and Remote Climate control working now! Never got a response back from the Entune folks, but delighted it's working again.
Been having problems getting charge status updates from entire for a while - emails work, starting, completion, interrupt, and the Entune app will tell me a recent charge level (when it was last turned off or plugged in I think), but requesting an update fails. I finally called and spent an hour with reps, and they had me reset the password to my account and reinstall the app on my iPhone. They indicated they could read my charge state and vehicle location remotely, but that was it. And I still cannot request an update on my phone without it failing -

So on my iPhone 6+ it is still non-functional - I will be escalating -
Probably not related with any Entune OTA commands, but the Entune app was updated today for iOS and Android devices.

It completely broke my Apps button (which I never use anyway). When you run the app on your smartphone and press the Apps button on your vehicle, a message will say "there is a required update for your apps. do you want to update?"

Saying yes will fail with a Communication Error, followed by a non-working app update progress screen and a final fail message. Then it quits to the main menu. Choosing NO will also quit to the main menu. If you rely on the Apps button, keep a backup of the older app or don't update.

NOTE: The app tried to update via bluetooth. I have not tried updating via USB because it kept trying to update over BT. I will try updating via USB after I remove my phone as a registered BT device and see if that works.
Khaihon said:
... If you rely on the Apps button, keep a backup of the older app or don't update. ...
Now he tells me. I already updated it. I'll try it when I go home. If it fails, I'll be back here begging for the previous version from somebody.
I have found that lately the remote update is spotty. For example, Charge Management Update worked on the second try today. I have found previously, right after the connectivity was fixed, that Charge Start would work even though Update would not. Usually I update to get the app to recognize that the car is plugged in, then do the Charge Start. However, that is not necessary.

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