RECALL: going into neutral / Speed Sensor failure

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Last Tuesday, just as my wife was about to back out of the driveway, our 2012 RAV4 EV got stuck in neutral (and presumably had a total loss of drive power). This was the SECOND incident of this nature! The first incident, which happened to me personally, occurred in our driveway as well, about a year ago, after which the Tesla Gateway ECU was replaced by our local Toyota Dealer.

This, imho, which has now seemingly been confirmed, did NOT fix the problem!

My wife said she tried several On/Off cycles to no avail. However, when I got home later the same day, the problem disappeared.

Sadly, I am still waiting for the actual safety recall letter from Toyota to take the car in for warranty repairs.
The recall notice said "Summer" but neglected to specify in which hemisphere. :D

My Rav4EV (...003286, 2014) has been in the service dept at Palo Alto for two weeks for the recall issue. There is no ETA on the transaxle assembly part. To summarize: "could be weeks, could be months... the part'll get here from Tesla when it gets here *shrug*. Nothing we can do. Here have a rental car."

So live and learn. Don't buy a car built by two manufacturers who have a falling out, no matter how good or cool.
mekenig said:
So live and learn. Don't buy a car built by two manufacturers who have a falling out, no matter how good or cool.

Imho the worst part is that the drivers of the rav4ev's are victim.
They don't honor warranty, keep pointing at each other and basically say to the driver "learn to live with it"
Not nice imho

I have 2 rav4ev's
my first Toyota's ever, and my last.
fromport said:
mekenig said:
So live and learn. Don't buy a car built by two manufacturers who have a falling out, no matter how good or cool.

Imho the worst part is that the drivers of the rav4ev's are victim.
They don't honor warranty, keep pointing at each other and basically say to the driver "learn to live with it"
Not nice imho

I have 2 rav4ev's
my first Toyota's ever, and my last.

All the issues are Tesla based. I have owned so many Toyotas and just change the oil. If anything it makes me very unimpressed with Tesla engineering.
4EVEREV said:
All the issues are Tesla based. I have owned so many Toyotas and just change the oil. If anything it makes me very unimpressed with Tesla engineering.

Technically that may be the case, but I bought a toyota, from a toyota dealer, toyota manual with toyota warranty.
If they screwed up the contract with Tesla, don't take it out on the toyota drivers.
That is just lame.

And for once:
If Tesla did have dealers, we could go there pay them money because they know/can service the Tesla parts.
When I bought my RavEV I talked with the parts guy at Sunnyvale Toyota. SVL was the dealership involved with Tesla sourcing parts for the Rav. According to him, Tesla and Toyota didn't always see eye-to-eye about engineering the vehicle. Should'a been a red flag, I guess.

Toyota sold and warranted it. End of story. If they ever can't or won't fix it, violation of Fed and CA law and it's a class action. But there are probably too few of us for it to be a legal sharkfest or on the radar of gov't. Rregulatory agencies are worth spit these days... the 625K recalled hybrids probably get far more attention from a career civil servant or a law firm.
I can see it now... Toyota tries to settle the class action with 1/2 off a Mirai lease for the RAV owners and $2M for the plaintiff's lawyers... [facepalm]
mekenig said:
When I bought my RavEV I talked with the parts guy at Sunnyvale Toyota. SVL was the dealership involved with Tesla sourcing parts for the Rav. According to him, Tesla and Toyota didn't always see eye-to-eye about engineering the vehicle. Should'a been a red flag, I guess.

Toyota sold and warranted it. End of story. If they ever can't or won't fix it, violation of Fed and CA law and it's a class action. But there are probably too few of us for it to be a legal sharkfest or on the radar of gov't. Rregulatory agencies are worth spit these days... the 625K recalled hybrids probably get far more attention from a career civil servant or a law firm.

I have an appointment for Wednesday next week.
If they keep their vision like it is today "it is safe to drive", I will call the lemon law layer on the way back.

And how simple can it be: Even though I have 2 of them to compare.
I know how the car behaved/sounded the first xxxx miles.

one week after my drive train exchange another sound with vibration shows up.
And they want me to continue driving until it gets "to bad" without specifying the threshold.
I drove my leaf for 3 years 30k miles and it still made the same sounds, no vibrations when I turned it in just like the day I drove it off the dealer lot. An acquaintance of mine has a leaf that has over 100K on the clock. Apart from the battery degradation (about 50 miles range currently) no problems. Still on second set of tires !
I don't remember signing something with Toyota that "weird sounds/vibrations" might pop while drivingm and some do and some don't
And only because their legal department screwed up the contract with Tesla ?

Toyota should be ashamed, and I will enjoy if they aren't reasonable next week I will turn mine in.
And they better hope my second one stays silent, or I will go through the whole loop again.
So two weeks ago I have the check ev system message come up but car was driving fine.

One issue I noticed many times is when I turn car on and then put it in reverse and car won't go anywhere.. Probably has happened 10 times. I didn't notice if it went into neutral, I wish I paid attention to that. Powering car off and turning back on seemed to fix that issue.

I've had to deal with California lemon law before with a Nissan Armada break issue that was a known diagnosed flaw. Only way to get what you want now is tools through a lemon law lawyer.

Didn't someone post contact info for one on here?
BS. My Leaf makes a horrible noise accelerating, the AC compressor fan is loud too. Nissan won't fix it claiming it is all normal, that's how great Nissan is.
I got a letter from NHTSA as they are interested about the long wait. Perhaps you guys can spend 5 minutes filling out the form and get their attention, venting on some forum doesn't help.
I got a letter from NHTSA as they are interested about the long wait. Perhaps you guys can spend 5 minutes filling out the form and get their attention, venting on some forum doesn't help.
I'm not sure if you saw, but Toyota released the recall fix to dealers (barely) within the timeframe they originally specified to the NHTSA, and several forum members have already had the recall work completed. While we all would have liked Toyota to act more promptly, they did keep to their word after the recall was announced.
I got it done a week ago as an out-of-stater... So far so good! Hopefully this really fixes all the check EV system errors!
ground_gainer said:
I got it done a week ago as an out-of-stater... So far so good! Hopefully this really fixes all the check EV system errors!

What strings did you have to pull? I received my recall remedy notice, called my local dealer here in Denver/Aurora, and they said they don't know how to do it. They referred me to call Toyota Corporate. I'm now on hold with said corporate phone line after giving my VIN.
shikataganai said:
Corporate says they will only do the recall service in California. Who do I need to contact at Toyota?
Answering my own question here:

Kevin Spillane.
I just brought my 2 rav4ev's in for the software update.
They couldn't do it immediately because they need to charge my 12 volt (aux) battery first to full.
Even though I drive it enough (imo) to keep it charged, it wasn't enough to do software update.

So if you are planning to take it in, and you happen to have a 12 volt battery charger handy, charge it to full before you take it in, could save you some time.

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