I’m in Los Angeles. 2014 with 107k miles. Halfway home from work today, which is about a 16 mile drive, my car started slowing down and a vibrating, rumbling noise started coming from the front of the car. This came out of nowhere. The volume and frequency of the rumbling went down as I decelerated. The battery and all electrical actually seem fine. The car will barely drive just a couple mph, but attempting to drive makes a lot of noise and it has very little power. I left it basically where it broke down. I walked back to the spot in the road where this first started to look and see if there were any clues, but there was nothing on the ground. I’m going to have it towed to Hamer Toyota tomorrow, but does anyone have any initial thoughts what this could be? I imagine something horrible happened with the drive motor. The drive unit was already replaced once under warranty because of the whining issue.