Investigation of best orientation for home solar panels

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I have a 6.7 kWh system that has 24 panels facing SW and 12 panels facing SE. DWP gave us an extra amount on the refund due to what they called
"Bonus Orientation" I've found the long summer days really take advantage of this and have easily generated over 45 kWh a day for months at a time with this setup.

very happy to be driving on sunlight.
snoltor said:
Interesting, but here in SCE territory on-peak is from 10-6, not 3-7, so I expect keeping my panels facing south will remain the best move (not that I really had a choice with my simple install - my roof faces south so the panels do too.) The recent time change does move the on-peak period 1 hour later (relative to sunlight), though. If only I could adjust the orientation seasonally! :lol:
So, just glancing over that, it seems to imply that PG&E will make sure all of us are forced to pay for their nuclear plants, but they can give you an option to pay more for what they consider green sources?