I also began having Entune problems this week, after no problems for the past couple of weeks (I just bought my RAV4 EV in July of 2016). Here's the sitch:
1. I can still RECEIVE updates from my RAV via Entune, such as the charge status whenever I plugged it in, or it finished charging, and the vehicle location.
2. However, I can no longer TRANSMIT anything to my RAV. That is, I can't ask it to tell me the charge status right now, or turn on the remote climate control, which is one of my favorite Entune features.
3. Entune is similarly screwed up on both of my mobile devices (an Apple iPhone 6 Plus and a Samsung Galaxy Note3), even though both were working fine a few days ago. (Is it OK to use Entune on multiple devices for the same RAV?)
4. I signed out of Entune and signed back in on both devices, to no avail.
5. I called Toyota at 800-331-4331, which was worse than useless. I got a ticket number, but I was astounded by how little the people I talked to knew about their own product(s). One lady claimed that Charge Management and Remote Climate worked over Bluetooth, and therefore only had a range of about 20 feet! I told her the actual range is more like 25,000 miles, because it uses the cell network, which is worldwide. (In hindsight, I guess I overstated the range a little, because the Earth is only 25,000 miles around, so the farthest you could realistically get away from your RAV and still be on the planet is more like 12,500 miles.) Another lady said that Safety Connect had nothing to do with Entune, and that there was no such thing as the remote-control functions that I (and you, dear readers) have been using regularly. Ugh! Anyway, this lady did verify that my Safety Connect subscription still seemed to be active, for whatever that's worth. The only reason I bought Safety Connect was to enable the Entune RAV4 EV remote control functions.
6. In order to verify that Safety Connect could actually do SOMETHING for me, I pushed the SOS button in the overhead console. Nothing happened until I turned on Bluetooth on my iPhone. Then I pushed SOS again and it called the Safety Connect voicemail system. I said it was not an emergency, then hung up. I don't know if this was a successful test of anything or not. I guess I was hoping that Safety Connect might be able to connect without using my phone, as it must do for the Entune remote functions, but maybe whatever cell connection it uses for the remote functions doesn't have enough bandwidth to support a voice call.
7. Toyota doesn't seem to know anything about this problem, or how Entune and a RAV4 EV even work, so I'm not optimistic that my ticket number will accomplish anything. Therefore, unless I can find some better ideas on this forum, I'm going to exercise the "nuclear option" and pull my 12-volt battery cable for a few minutes. Hopefully, that will reset everything.
Any ideas, fellow RAVers?