California Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot Program

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jscgvnc said:
What's the difference between this and the PGE EV B program?
In this trial, depending on the vendor, the EVSE usually provides the metering function, so the install cost is inherently lower. In the normal EV-B case, you would have to put in a new meter in parallel with your existing meter which has a high installation cost. The separate Sub-Meter would be located in close proximity to the EVSE and measure it's usage only and the install cost is inherently lower.

[edited for clarification]
I have been told that the linked company has withdrawn from the pilot. For people in San Diego 4 other companies are working on getting approved. More information at:
My understanding is that the first 1500 customers who sign up will get a free EVSE in addition to the sub metering capability. In the case of a JuiceBox EVSE, the sub metering capability will be "built-in" via a WiFi link to the eMW servers. This is an optional feature that already exists in "Premium" units currently being sold, but a Basic JB can have this feature as well. The sub metering capability would mean those pilot program JBs should have a highly accurate, "RGM" (Residential Grade Meter) capable power consumption measuring capability.

SIGN ME UP!!! :mrgreen:
I got accepted, except it turns out LADWP doesn't participate. That's a shame because apparently LADWP takes forever to provide their own TOU service.
I was accepted also. I'm with SDGE service. But from what I've been told so far by Ohmconnect I will ned to switch from my current TOU schedule to EV TOU or EV TOU 2 - they didn't specify which one - for everything. I was hoping the separately metered car charging would be independent of my current net metering plan. I also believe that once I switch, I am locked in to the new rate structure for 1 year minimum.

This could have a big impact since the EV rate peak period is at least two hours longer and off peak is 3 hours shorter and only minimally less expensive than my current rate. I need to crunch the numbers but I've not been successful downloading my smart meter data from SDGE website.
amgdad said:
Where did you apply to for the sub metering?
You can apply with either one of these two MDMAs:

The FAQ is located here:
dstjohn99 said:
I was accepted also. I'm with SDGE service. But from what I've been told so far by Ohmconnect I will ned to switch from my current TOU schedule to EV TOU or EV TOU 2 - they didn't specify which one - for everything. I was hoping the separately metered car charging would be independent of my current net metering plan. I also believe that once I switch, I am locked in to the new rate structure for 1 year minimum.

This could have a big impact since the EV rate peak period is at least two hours longer and off peak is 3 hours shorter and only minimally less expensive than my current rate. I need to crunch the numbers but I've not been successful downloading my smart meter data from SDGE website.
David, this is not quite correct, I believe. The submetering rate schedule will be separate from your main meter schedule, which should be unaffected by your enrollment in the PEV pilot. SDG&E will bill the energy used by your EVs according to the EV-TOU rate schedule. Please see advice letters 2622-E and 2622-E-A. You may contact the EV team at SDG&E at as well. While the maximum enrollment period in the trial is 12 months, you can terminate your participation at any time. The free JuiceBox offer mandates a minimum of three months of continuous use.
surfingslovak said:
dstjohn99 said:
But from what I've been told so far by Ohmconnect I will need to switch from my current TOU schedule to EV TOU or EV TOU 2 - they didn't specify which one - for everything. I was hoping the separately metered car charging would be independent of my current net metering plan. I also believe that once I switch, I am locked in to the new rate structure for 1 year minimum.

David, this is not quite correct, I believe. The submetering rate schedule will be separate from your main meter schedule, which should be unaffected by your enrollment in the PEV pilot. SDG&E will bill the energy used by your EVs according to the EV-TOU rate schedule. Please see advice letters 2622-E and 2622-E-A. You may contact the EV team at SDG&E at as well. While the maximum enrollment period in the trial is 12 months, you can terminate your participation at any time. The free JuiceBox offer mandates a minimum of three months of continuous use.

Surfingslovak you are right. Ohmconnect replied to another email with detailed information. The car charging will not affect/change my current rates, therefore no worries about changing back. Though with the pilot program I am not locked into the change for a year, I could switch back at anytime. I'll be sure to stay in for at least the 3 month trial if not longer.

This project seems almost too good to be true. Applicants may be able to qualify for a FREE JUICEBOX! Possibly TWO if you have a second EV! I already have touted the virtues of this product to this forum, but a FREE JUICEBOX would be an unbelievable GOOD DEAL!
Dsinned said:
This project seems almost too good to be true. Applicants may be able to qualify for a FREE JUICEBOX! Possibly TWO if you have a second EV! I already have touted the virtues of this product to this forum, but a FREE JUICEBOX would be an unbelievable GOOD DEAL!
Exactly, a free EVSE is always a good deal. I got my ChargePoint CT 500 through a DOE grant. This one comes courtesy of the CPUC, and the three largest utilities in California. We are interested in the program because we cannot install solar, at least not at the moment. It would be more advantageous to have the house on a regular rate, and the car on a time-of-use rate (EV-B in PG&E parlance). A submeter would normally be prohibitively expensive, but this pilot will test if the EVSE can act as its own meter. You can get sign up via the form below:
surfingslovak said:
Dsinned said:
This project seems almost too good to be true. Applicants may be able to qualify for a FREE JUICEBOX! Possibly TWO if you have a second EV! I already have touted the virtues of this product to this forum, but a FREE JUICEBOX would be an unbelievable GOOD DEAL!
Exactly, a free EVSE is always a good deal. I got my ChargePoint CT 500 through a DOE grant. This one comes courtesy of the CPUC, and the three largest utilities in California. We are interested in the program because we cannot install solar, at least not at the moment. It would be more advantageous to have the house on a regular rate, and the car on a time-of-use rate (EV-B in PG&E parlance). A submeter would normally be prohibitively expensive, but this pilot will test if the EVSE can act as its own meter. You can get sign up via the form below:

Hi Dsinned,

I have applied a few days ago but haven't heard back from emotorwerks yet. Do you know how long it takes to find out the status?

I think my new Rav4EV is going to be delivered tonight, I am considering adding the TOU meter but concerned about cost(still researching installation related process and cost), so if the I can join this program, does this mean I don't need to install a separate TOU meter? that's a lot of installation saving not to mention the free JB. I hope I can find out soon as I probably need to figure out what to do with my TOU meter...etc since I am now getting my car delivery and need to finalize the EVSE installation related projects...

If you have any suggestions for me to figure this out in the next few days, it would be awesome.

Thanks a lot.
My understanding is that JuiceBox users participating in this program will have more accurate ("RGM" equivalent) metering built-in. I know that JB V8.9 introduced higher accuracy AC measurements in the latest design, quite possibly for this special "submetering" pilot program. Apparently, they will be "basic" JBs (w/o LCD option), but will have WiFi, so they can upload measurement data over the participating resident's home network to the Internet. Perhaps each JB user will have access to login accounts on that server, so we can monitor our own data during this program. That would really be interesting!
Rav4EVoom said:
Hi Dsinned,

I have applied a few days ago but haven't heard back from emotorwerks yet. Do you know how long it takes to find out the status?

I think my new Rav4EV is going to be delivered tonight, I am considering adding the TOU meter but concerned about cost(still researching installation related process and cost), so if the I can join this program, does this mean I don't need to install a separate TOU meter? that's a lot of installation saving not to mention the free JB. I hope I can find out soon as I probably need to figure out what to do with my TOU meter...etc since I am now getting my car delivery and need to finalize the EVSE installation related projects...

If you have any suggestions for me to figure this out in the next few days, it would be awesome.

Thanks a lot.
Same here - I applied at the end of last month - and I haven't heard back anything yet either. I suppose we could send Julia (eMW Admin) an email to ask about our "acceptance" status? I assume you also live in CA, right?

Until you find out one way or the other, I would hold off on getting a separate meter (or EV-B rate plan) from your utility co. There is a chance you'll get a free JB by qualifying for this pilot program and then you won't need to get an (expensive) "separate" meter.

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