Buying a Rav4 outside of CA

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I live in massachusetts and considering buying a Rav 4 EV. I've looked at the Leaf and the Focus EV, but feel most comfortable with the range and the usability of the Rav 4 EV. Is the service and warranty going to be an issue since there are no Rav 4 EV certified dealers outside California? Has anyone who's bought outside California been able to get any warranty service done without any issues?
bocastephen said:
For the folks in the Seattle area who bought and took delivery of RAV4 EV

I have spoken to Dan, Assistant Service Manager, at Rodland Toyota in person twice. Once before I purchased, and again after I had the car. He said no problem with service both times. I then received an invitation for a "new owner" clinic meet and greet. I called to RSVP and again mentioned this is an EV rav. Again they said great, no problem. When I pulled up in front of the building, the salesmen looked like a bunch of caged monkeys wanting bananas just out of reach. When I returned from the parts department with my new all weather mats, they all came out to check it out, asking the usual questions. They really want to sell this model, and one seems to think they will be soon.

Time will tell, but it is to their advantage to stay ahead of the tech curve. I may end up being the guinea pig but you know... early adopter :| The techs want to learn the processes too. But it take a few software loads, or flashes, to become comfortable with the screen prompts. It was a similar story with my Leaf. A software update was taking longer than planned. The lead took me back to the garage where the tech was waiting for the next prompt to show. I asked how many times he had done it... it was his second time. No problem... take your time :)
From my research, dealers have to be an "Electric" dealer in CA to even sell the Rav 4 EV. That means they had to have special lifts installed in the garage and specially trained techs before they could sell the EV.

Not everyone in CA can sell them.

When I bought mine, they specifically told me this vehicle can only be serviced in CA.
BSki said:
When I bought mine, they specifically told me this vehicle can only be serviced in CA.

Folks, this comes up over and over. Your dealer is wrong. The car can be "serviced" anywhere. As we already know, there's not much to service anyway; rotate tires, check wipers and washer fluid, etc.

Uploading firmware updates can be done by Plug-in Prius (PiP) certified guys all over the world. Specific heavy repairs, like what has already been done to my car, like dropping the battery and swapping the motor requires tools that the typical dealer won't have, but the repairs aren't typical. In addition, Tesla sent 3 guys down to swap my motor, and that's at a certified Rav4 EV repair shop with all the tools.

So, if you have a nearby PiP dealership, I wouldn't worry about it. Nothing prevents the dealer from borrowing / renting the proper tools if the motor or battery need swapping. I'm very confident that I could personally do both repairs without fancy tools... it's just not rocket science.

Even if there is a nearby Tesla service center, I suspect they will still fly in guys for serious malfunctions with your Rav4, wherever you are.

In addition, the Magnuson-Moss Act requires that Toyota will repair your car.
Philly RAV4 EV said:
Just bought my RAV4 EV in silver. Being shipped right now and will arrive next week in Philly!

Welcome to the out-o-state club. How's the charging infrastructure look there? Mostly you can just laugh as you drive by the stations, but you have lots of road trip possibilities from there. Enjoy!
My (very limited) experience echoes what Tony said 2 posts above. My local Toyota dealer in Pennsylvania told me several times they can take care of the car. They only have one PIP tech in the entire Lancaster Toyota and he's the guy that will service my RAV 4 EV and did the state inspection and fixed my short pin fuse so interior lights would work.

Like other posts, the techs at Lancaster Toyota were oohhing and ahhing all over the car. They loved the thing. With a Tesla "dealer" 45 mile up the road and PIP techs, I'm not fretting it. I suspect if there's an issue it'll take longer than if my ICE Tundra needed something from Toyota, but personally, I doubt that the "EV Certified" Dealers will really know any more if the RAV 4 EV needs something seriously anyway. As Tony said, they'll end up sending in Tesla folks either way.

My advice if you live anywhere in the US? It's an awesome vehicle. After all incentives this car cost me very little more than the Leaf I got 6 months ago and the RAV 4 EV blows the Leaf out of the water. Not even a contest.

If you're out of state and want an EV that's the best bang for the buck, entry-level Tesla, but don't want to pay full Tesla dollar, the RAV 4 EV (esp. with current Toyota incentives) is imho hands down the winner.
Hi all –

I’m looking at buying a RAV4 EV from Diane Whitmire and having it shipped here to me in Webster NY. She has experience with the logistics so that part should be fine. But it feels a little strange to buy a car without actually seeing one live or test driving it.

I'm also a little concerned about the motor "hum" issue that TonyWilliams had. It seems pretty rare but it would suck to get one out here and have a problem like that.

Today, I'm still checking on insurance, time of day charging and charge stations. I have an unused 50 amp circuit that was for an electric range that is only 15 feet from where I want to put the charging station, so I may be able to save a little by just having the outlet moved (through the basement).

Any advice, anything I'm not thinking about?

Bought mine never having seen one live. Read lots of reviews. Never test drove one. Did everything via email and
Fed Ex. Shipped with Golden Key Express from San Diego. Have 2k miles on it. So far no issues. As others have
said on this forum, if you have a Plug in Prius Toyota Dealer nearby (PIP Tech. at dealer), I would go for it.
Same goes for me (what Penn RAV wrote). Never drove one, had it shipped to Texas. Over 2000 EV miles within first month. The vehicle will not disappoint you. Yes there are some complaints and gripes, as listed in this forum, but it's only because we love the car so much that we share it's warts.

Go for it!
Thanks guys!

Going to meet the wife for lunch and make sure she is still in. Then I'll call Dianne (it's only 8:00 am in LA now)

Same goes for me too... been there, done that ;)
Dianne has the process down. Two thing make this sight unseen purchase easier, it's a Toyota, and being an EV it's already a unique and special thing. There is a certain amount of "faith" required in the technology and the EV movement.
doug401 said:
Two thing make this sight unseen purchase easier, it's a Toyota...

I would say the second thing is that a successful company like Tesla produced the key bits for the car, and Toyota and Daimler own 5% and 10% respectively of Tesla. They aren't going to let it fail, and both companies have "CARB compliance cars" built by Tesla (yes, if you didn't know, the Rav4 EV is only built for that purpose).

I wouldn't worry about warranty on a potential motor failure like I had. Even at the "official" certified California dealer, they still sent in 3 Tesla guys for my car. They can send them to New York just as easy, provided that ere is a Toyota dealer that you can go to with Plug-in Prius certified mechanics.

The federal law, "Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act", says Toyota MUST repair your car in the USA. It doesn't say that you must take it to a special dealer. Yes, they will SQUEAL at the top of their lungs otherwise, but they still must fix the car in the USA... not just California at special dealers.

The law doesn't have a "CARB compliance car" provision that I'm aware of. Nothing prevents you from operating the car anywhere in the USA. The agreement you signed that said you would take it only to certified centers my be an interesting challenge, if push comes to shove, but it will get warrantied at a Toyota dealer, nonetheless.
jspearman said:
Philly RAV4 EV said:
Just bought my RAV4 EV in silver. Being shipped right now and will arrive next week in Philly!

Welcome to the out-o-state club. How's the charging infrastructure look there? Mostly you can just laugh as you drive by the stations, but you have lots of road trip possibilities from there. Enjoy!

There really aren't any charging stations in my area. A random Walgreens near us put on in, but that's about it. I will do a little more research and but they are not prevalent.
Mine's in the process of shipping to North Texas from Carson Toyota . (Silver)

Couldn't pass on the deal..... I spoke with my local dealer and he said they'd service any Toyota. The service manager asked me to
stop in to let his team check it out. We're still waiting to get the plug in Prius in my neck of the woods.

Philly, enjoy your new ride!
TonyWilliams said:
doug401 said:
The agreement you signed that said you would take it only to certified centers my be an interesting challenge, if push comes to shove, but it will get warrantied at a Toyota dealer, nonetheless.
I didn't have to sign any document like this... :eek:

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