Uncommon noise from the motor

Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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Oct 16, 2024
I just marked 60k miles with my 2014 and it is already making me problems.

Whenever I press the acceleration pedal, the motor makes a lot of uncommon noise. What could it be? I am worried it is something pretty though. I think I need to replace it and I hope I won't have any additional costs (I still have the warranty). Thanks!
Original motor? The original rotor bearings (and pinion bearings) were a high-failure item, and give a growling sound as you accelerate.

Also, the rotor coolant seal leaking, of course -- the same problem as on all the early Model S/X LDUs. You've been checking the speed sensor annually for leaking coolant, right?

I summarized the current popular "forever fix" for this leaking in the first few paragraphs in this thread.
Ok. I will check out the bearings and look for any signs of coolant leaks around the speed sensor. I hand't considered the rotor coolant seal as a potential issue, but that makes sense, given the symptoms. Thankfully, I am still under warranty, so I will get it to the dealership and see if they can cover this. Appreciate it. I will come back once I find out more.