Replacing 12V battery

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Jan 19, 2017
I have a 2013 RAV 4 EV which has the original Toyota 12V battery (5+ years). I have been reading the RAV4 posts and it seems as though it might be a good idea for me to replace it even though there is no current problem. I ordered an Optima Yellow 35D online and will getting it in a week or so.

I thought I might hook up a jumper cable from the new battery to the battery terminals (off to the side of the post area) then take out the old battery while keeping the new battery 12V system connection live as I hook up my new battery to the terminals. I thought this might avoid canceling out all of my current system settings.

Does anybody see any problem with this?

Thanks for any help,
Disconnecting the 12v battery causes no harm (except the short list of things that reset: GOM, navigation state, saved charge schedule, etc.).

Trying to use a failing 12v battery seems to be where people get into trouble. The 12v system goes into abnormal low voltage territory, the DC-DC converter tries to compensate, trouble ensues.

I would not worry at all about disconnecting the 12v battery to replace it. It was even the official JdeMO reset procedure until recently.
Thank you for the feedback. I will check to see if there is anything that needs to be re-set. My battery finally arrived and I found that the Optima 35D battery weighs much more than the original battery. But they do provide a spacer for it to fit better with the top clamp.
Got the battery installed. Have noticed that the GOM when the fan is turned on is a good 30 mi. different than the estimated range on the right side display. Turn off the fan, and it jumps up the 30+ miles and matches the other range readout.
Any suggestions of what is going on or how to get it back to normal? With the old battery there was only about a 3 mile difference.

By the way, a few tips for others considering a yellow top Optima battery:

-It does come with a spacer to raise it up to the proper height. Toyota has a clamp that has very little leeway to adjust. Had to split the width on the two top edges of the clamp that hold down the battery.

-The negative terminal is also very tight. Barely could move it aside to exchange batteries. The positive side has more flexibility so I had to slip the new battery in from the left side.

-The first time you turn on to start, it will take a minute or two for the system to re-boot. Don't expect to just drive immediately.

Jim Knight
j.emerson said:
Got the battery installed. Have noticed that the GOM when the fan is turned on is a good 30 mi. different than the estimated range on the right side display. Turn off the fan, and it jumps up the 30+ miles and matches the other range readout.
Any suggestions of what is going on or how to get it back to normal? With the old battery there was only about a 3 mile difference.
The system will relearn that the climate system doesn't affect range so severely. Just give it a little time.
We do several things to make life with the 12 volt battery a bit easier.

1) Drill 0.625” hole above the difficult to get at bolt. This is located in the yellow sticker area

2) Add negative ground cable extenders

3) Add an M8 flat washer and wing nut for easy disconnect without tools

It’s all in our JdeMO install manual:

Here’s a link to "JdeMO Installation Manual RAV4 EV":

JdeMO Supplement - Cabin Heater removal:
Thanks for the booklet. I will keep your tips in mind the next time I replace the battery. I noticed that you used a True Start battery which apparently fit perfectly between the edges of the battery hold bracket. The yellow top Optima D 35 is a bit narrower and I had to split the overlap of the end clamps of the top holder between the edges of the battery.
I recommend the following specifications:

Group 24F
60 amp/hour

Don't let the parts counter person tell you it "won't fit" or that it's "the wrong one".

You can have it shipped to your door from Pep Boys:

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