Entune battery monitor

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Tony thank you so much for the reply. I have Sprint and Entune is spotty. Sounds like it may something to do with the phone service then if ATT works for you. One more question are you using an android device or Apple? Also do you or does anyone else know about How the data is retrieved from the car? I assume wireless technology.
:lol: Tony was trying to say that the car itself has an AT&T cellular data connection which it presumably uses to connect to Entune's servers and you're phone talks to those servers. Because it uses a cellular connection as long as the car is parked in an area with AT&T coverage, you should be able to get the charge state if you are sitting in the car or on the other side of the planet.
I had an Entunes/EV apps problem that I spent over two weeks working with Percy from Toyota on. None of my EV apps worked. I couldnt even get the vehicle locator to work. We had initially thought it was a problem with the communication module. The strange thing was that Safety Connect worked and I believe Entunes ev apps use that communication path. I gave Percy my login and password and he tried from his phone and verified it wasn't my phone. I took my car into the dealership where Toyota sent a tech to help diagnose the problem, I was told that the fix was a firmware issue that would be resolved in an update. They also said that there was no timetable for that update. I thought this was total bs because if it was a firmware issue I wouldn't be the only person experiencing this problem. After another round of calls, Percy tried to elevate this problem to see if I could get hardware replaced but he was rejected. So I was told I would just have to wait. Then magically a couple days later the ev apps started working. Apparently Percy had requested some sort of system reset and after several system resets it just started working.

Percy admitted at the time that there were others experiencing this issue. Also, my coworker has a similar problem with his rav where ev apps will only update as he exits the car. After that, none of them work if he is away from the car. He is currently working with Percy on this issue. So if you are experiencing problems with your Entune ev apps, it's likely not anything wrong with you phone or connection as others have suggested.
Pandora seems to work every time but iHeart Radio doesn't work at all. Says... "communication error... please try again" :roll:
For two weeks, the charge notification feature has notified me on charge start and end of charge perfectly via email. However, as of two days ago, I have not received any notifications from entunes. I went to the entunes website to see if the boxes became unchecked, but they were fine. I unchecked them, then checked them again and hit save, hoping that would work, but I still don't get a notification when the vehicle starts or stops charging. At least the car is charging though.

Has anyone else noticed their charging notification feature not functioning?
Kohler Controller said:
For two weeks, the charge notification feature has notified me on charge start and end of charge perfectly via email. However, as of two days ago, I have not received any notifications from entunes. I went to the entunes website to see if the boxes became unchecked, but they were fine. I unchecked them, then checked them again and hit save, hoping that would work, but I still don't get a notification when the vehicle starts or stops charging. At least the car is charging though.

Has anyone else noticed their charging notification feature not functioning?

Yes, I have the same problems. Got my email notifications to work since signing up with Entunes, but as of around 3/29, which coincide with when my rav was in the shop, and the tech had to take the car apart to test the "hum" problem, I have not received any email notifications. I thought it was because they reset something from taking the car apart.

I have a service call into this. My rep said they are updating some entune something-a-magig for Lexus and wait till Monday and call them back of it is still not working by then.
Kohler Controller said:
For two weeks, the charge notification feature has notified me on charge start and end of charge perfectly via email. However, as of two days ago, I have not received any notifications from entunes. I went to the entunes website to see if the boxes became unchecked, but they were fine. I unchecked them, then checked them again and hit save, hoping that would work, but I still don't get a notification when the vehicle starts or stops charging. At least the car is charging though.

Has anyone else noticed their charging notification feature not functioning?

I haven't been receiving my regular charge notifications by e-mail for the last week. It had been working just fine for the last 5 months. Something has happened. I called both Toyota Entunes and Safety Connect today. Both weren't very helpful. One person suggested reinstalling the app for the smartphone, but that doesn't make any sense since I can get my e-mail on the regular computer without any app. I hope someone figures this out since it was a really nice feature. Any suggestions?
occ said:
Kohler Controller said:
For two weeks, the charge notification feature has notified me on charge start and end of charge perfectly via email. However, as of two days ago, I have not received any notifications from entunes. I went to the entunes website to see if the boxes became unchecked, but they were fine. I unchecked them, then checked them again and hit save, hoping that would work, but I still don't get a notification when the vehicle starts or stops charging. At least the car is charging though.

Has anyone else noticed their charging notification feature not functioning?

Yes, I have the same problems. Got my email notifications to work since signing up with Entunes, but as of around 3/29, which coincide with when my rav was in the shop, and the tech had to take the car apart to test the "hum" problem, I have not received any email notifications. I thought it was because they reset something from taking the car apart.

I have a service call into this. My rep said they are updating some entune something-a-magig for Lexus and wait till Monday and call them back of it is still not working by then.

Looks like entunes email notifications are back, I'm now getting all the emails since Thursday 4/18.
occ said:
occ said:
Kohler Controller said:
For two weeks, the charge notification feature has notified me on charge start and end of charge perfectly via email. However, as of two days ago, I have not received any notifications from entunes. I went to the entunes website to see if the boxes became unchecked, but they were fine. I unchecked them, then checked them again and hit save, hoping that would work, but I still don't get a notification when the vehicle starts or stops charging. At least the car is charging though.

Has anyone else noticed their charging notification feature not functioning?

Yes, I have the same problems. Got my email notifications to work since signing up with Entunes, but as of around 3/29, which coincide with when my rav was in the shop, and the tech had to take the car apart to test the "hum" problem, I have not received any email notifications. I thought it was because they reset something from taking the car apart.

I have a service call into this. My rep said they are updating some entune something-a-magig for Lexus and wait till Monday and call them back of it is still not working by then.

Looks like entunes email notifications are back, I'm now getting all the emails since Thursday 4/18.

Me too! yahoo!
Thanks for all the replies, funny thing, a few days after posting it started working with no other issues. Strange but it works fine now. Even the climate function works which is pretty neat. What a great car, I love it.

Thanks all again, Frederick
Tony I was wondering where you get the info that the car connect via the AT&T network? I stumble upon the Safety connect user agreement. And in section M of the system limitation section they mention that it use a CDMA network:

"Services use Code Division Multiple Access (“CDMA”) digital cellular telephone signals. If the Underlying Wireless Carrier terminates or restricts CDMA digital service, Services will not be available"

I might have change since the document seems to date from 2010.


An other interresting point in the document is that they mention the system should work in Hawaii and Canada.

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