Crashed RAV 4 EV

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Pennsylvania RAV

Active member
Mar 6, 2013
Lancaster, PA
My wife rear-ended someone in the RAV 4 EV. Was going about 20 to 30 mph....front hood and both
front quarter panels are crunched, but I looked car over and no apparent damage to far
as one can see....body damage is pretty extensive.....Body shop looking at it still actually
drives fine....

Question is this: Anyone crash one of these? What is risk/chance of damage to battery pack that would
not be visible? How do you test for this?

Sorry to hear that Pennsylvania RAV. Since it's still drivable, sounds like you can get everything fixed (body panels, bumper, maybe a radiator or two). The battery pack starts behind the drivetrain so I can't imagine how it would be damaged at such a low speed. Let us know how it goes, especially since you are an Out of Stater.

Best of luck,
RAVEV4 in Austin
Very sorry to hear this PA RAV, I hope your wife is Ok. Best of luck with the repairs to your EV.
Judging by the location of the battery is seems to be well protected from a front or rear impact, but you would have to wonder about the thermal management system, radiator/pumps/hoses keep a close look out for any leaks.
Thanks for thoughts. No one was injured.....wife just felt really bad...knew I was totally bummed about
this....Hope it is just body work to be fixed. We'll see.

Do you guys know.....any changes to ability of out of staters getting cars....have CA dealers made it
more difficult, or still possible. I see there are some pretty cheap leases now: 359/month?!!
Pennsylvania RAV said:
Thanks for thoughts. No one was injured.....wife just felt really bad...knew I was totally bummed about
this....Hope it is just body work to be fixed. We'll see.

Do you guys know.....any changes to ability of out of staters getting cars....have CA dealers made it
more difficult, or still possible. I see there are some pretty cheap leases now: 359/month?!!

Since October 1, 2013, Toyota has upped their attack on out-of-state sales. You won't get any discount for out-of-state now.

If it needs to be replaced (and that doesn't sound like the case), you'll have to get a used one.
you will find 4 used RavEVs on

maybe you can get them down to 27k for this one...
Just read about crash. Then I had one. Country road in Marin County a small Ford came across double line into my lane. I instinctively swerved left to avoid cliff on my right and hoped to get around the other car but we got hit on right front. Poor guy must have been looking at his phone or something. His car looked totaled. His right front wheel came off, airbags went off, and front of car was totally crushed. Our poor 2 month old RAV4 EV came out better. Never felt much of an impact and my 6 month old grandson in his car seat never felt anything and kept on sleeping. Nice to have a heavy car but I miss it. It looks like we will need a new right front fender and repair of dent in front of door where fender went backwards. A bunch of cardboard kind of stuff came off the wheel well, and we will need a new wheel cover.
I think the weight of the RAV EV makes it a much safer vehicle.
Make sure the body shop doesn't bake the paint with the batteries still in the Rav. They need to paint the parts and bake them off of the car. That way they don't kill the traction batteries.
Hey sorry to hear about the crash. Luckily no one was hurt. As a fellow Pennsylvanian myself and a current leaf owner, I would love to have a Rav4 EV. As you recommended to me previously, I did contact the same dealership in San Diego where you bought your Rav4. They were willing to sell me the car but not lease it. Hopefully, their stance will change. Another loophole around buying the Rav4 out of state is purchase a used one and have it delivered. It seems like dealerships are much more willing to do that than sell you a new one. I did find a used one in AZ for about $25k and by the time I called it was long gone. I am keeping my eyes open in the meantime though, so if you (or anyone) knows of a good used Rav4 EV for sale please drop me a line. :D

Hi I am the only private rav 4 Ev owner in New England. I bought it used from toyota of sanfrancisco they have another used one on autotrader today. Tana travesit was my salesman they trucked it to my house, I paid for that. It is a great vehicle quick charge puts back 26-27 miles per hour. It will easily go 129-150 moles on s single charge.

thanks for the info. From what I know it seems like RAV4 EV owners really enjoy their vehicles. It is a shame Toyota makes it so difficult for out of state owners. Speaking of which, did you encounter any issues from local dealers about servicing the vehicle? I have heard of some horror stories about dealers that aren't even allowed to rotate tires and such.

dmw183 said:

I have heard of some horror stories about dealers that aren't even allowed to rotate tires and such.


They will rotate tires, it's just that you'll have to pay for it. It will not be covered under the free 24 month Toyota Care Service package that the CA vehicles enjoy.
I have not attempted any service yet. I did buy a service contract from toyota of san francisco and was told that it would be serviced by any toyota dealer. When the time comes we will see i know how to raise hell if i need to. It is good vehicle in may i will try a several hundred mile trip. Tony will do the chademo plug in late summer hopefully. That will be interesting. The only thing i do not understand is why there are no chademo chargers in upstate and wester new york
Davidb9608 said:
I have not attempted any service yet. I did buy a service contract from toyota of san francisco and was told that it would be serviced by any toyota dealer. When the time comes we will see i know how to raise hell if i need to. It is good vehicle in may i will try a several hundred mile trip. Tony will do the chademo plug in late summer hopefully. That will be interesting. The only thing i do not understand is why there are no chademo chargers in upstate and wester new york

I'm in Western NY. My guess is that there is not a lot of leaf activity here so no chademo chargers.
Back in 2011 I was shopping for a minivan and asked the local Nissan dealer (after a test drive of their minivan) if they had a Leaf to test drive. He had no idea what I was talking about...I had to explain to him that the "Leaf" was a model of car made by Nissan.


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