Charge Failure Notification vis Entune when I wasnt charging

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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
Volcano, CA
Has this happened to anyone? I got the email "charge failure notification" at a time when i wasnt charging. (I had charged earlier in the day but i stopped at noon. (successfully). I had done a 240V charge to Standard full battery and hadnt charged since then.

Dear <me>

Our systems indicate that your RAV4 EV failed to begin charging. Charging system malfunction may have occurred. Please check charging cable and power source.

If you have any questions or you feel you received this email in error, please contact the Toyota Customer Experience Center at 1-800-331-4331.

To opt out of receiving Charge Notifications in the future, please visit

Best Regards,
Toyota Entune Customer Support

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by the way i figured out why this is happening.

Turns out, its *really easy* to hit the "Charge now" button in the UI of the Entune EV app. If you do that, it actually tells the car to start charging. And, if its not plugged in, it cant. (actually i dont know if it can once its finished charging either even if it is still plugged in). For the Chargepoint chargers, i know it cant because the charger *thinks* the car is disconnected once it finishes charging apparently. So it wont charge *again*.

Anyway if any of those things happen, the car tells Entune it couldnt start charging and you get this error.

Or at least i think thats what happened, and I duplicated it by trying exactly that sequence today.