Blink EVSE - Should I sell it?

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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2013
I put my Blink unit up for sale on Craigslist a few weeks ago.

I just got offered $500. Should I take it?

Someone offered me $500 last week and I said no but I'm tempted now. What does everyone think?
I've been offered between $400-500 for it so far. I am fairly certain I can sell it for $500 now and later but if I wait, I'll likely get a little more.
ehelmholtz said:
I've been offered between $400-500 for it so far. I am fairly certain I can sell it for $500 now and later but if I wait, I'll likely get a little more.

Don't Blink, you should hold out for $700, just be sure to state "AS IS" and it may not work once it takes a UPS ride. "Handle may melt your inlet".
You clearly didn't read my ad. The issues have been rectified. The replacement J1772 cable works beautifully with not a bit of warmth on my Rav4 as well as a friend's Model S.

Incidentally, the comment about holding out for $700 when the asking price is $650 forces one to wonder... and a site moderator. interesting.
ehelmholtz said:
You clearly didn't read my ad. The issues have been rectified. The replacement J1772 cable works beautifully with not a bit of warmth on my Rav4 as well as a friend's Model S.

Incidentally, the comment about holding out for $700 when the asking price is $650 forces one to wonder... and a site moderator. interesting.

It's sarcasm but I think you missed it. Regardless of the cord replacement you are fortunate to get $500 for the Blink junk, I gave two away because I did not want someone to get stuck with a brick on the wall. Blink units are just EVSEs waiting for the next failure point.
At last check, my prefrontal cortical function remains intact and so sarcasm would be difficult to miss. Many mistake silliness with sarcasm.

Anyway, you are, of course, entitled to your opinions regardless of the data. There were some 15,000 units installed. Of those, how many have failed? The answer to this question, I suspect, will show that selection bias is the culprit for the fixed false belief that some on our forums have regarding current quality of these units.
ehelmholtz said:
At last check, my prefrontal cortical function remains intact and so sarcasm would be difficult to miss. Many mistake silliness with sarcasm.

Anyway, you are, of course, entitled to your opinions regardless of the data. There were some 15,000 units installed. Of those, how many have failed? The answer to this question, I suspect, will show that selection bias is the culprit for the fixed false belief that some on our forums have regarding current quality of these units.

They have the worst reliability of any certified product on the market regardless of the handle issue. You can call that an opinion based on numerous cases people have had not to mention the many, many people I know personally that have issues. I'm sure a simple EVSE satisfaction and reliability survey would demonstrate this clearly and the results would not be difficult to predict. Open one up sometime and see how it is assembled and designed, it is cobbled together and not an integrated design. Lets not start on the touch screens, give it time and watch how these units last compared to most other products and they were designed to be used commercially where they failed in record numbers repeatedly. Ask Blink for their repair and failure rate, wait they went BK with millions of dollars in funding. No one saw that coming (sarcasm)
If someone would give me $500, I would include the kWh meter socket and the 40 amp breaker, power disconnect. I have the new handle also.
Such passionate responses - tell us how you really feel?! :)

Again, without sufficient data, it is not reasonable to be so certain about something and so I don't have a strong opinion either way (though I can say with certainty that my particular unit has given me little problems). I may as more data becomes available.
davewill said:
Sounds like a good price considering that you can buy a brand new EVSE with similar specs for $650 or so.
Yes, this is true for charging specs but to be fair, there's not many with the extra options that this one does; for example, touch screen, wifi, energy sums for each charge and monthly etc... Granted many here don't see these as options but rather liabilities! (I have never had problems with these features).

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and advice. In the end, I sold it for $550.
I've had no problems (so far) with my original Blink EVSE which was installed in mid 2011 for my LEAF. Have used it daily now with my RAV4EV with absolutely no heat issues whatsoever, but only for the last 10 days... when my car arrived from CA.