Auto Open & Close Mirror Module Install Video

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2012
Palos Verdes Estates, CA
This is the first video I’ve ever shot and uploaded to YouTube, please forgive the production qualities.

Video on YouTube and instructions below for “Auto Folding Mirror Module Install Video

For the YouTube video on how to install the Mirror Module go:

To buy the universal auto lock side mirror folding system module go to:


To make the installation quicker you can remove the necessary panels and trim pieces first, before you connect the mirror module. Push the two front seats fully back and release the parking brake.

Remove the center consul mirror control panel by putting your fingers through the rubber surrounding of the parking brake slot and pushing up on the mirror control panel from underneath. This will give you room to insert a pry tool and remove panel the box.

Disconnect the white and black plugs under the box. No tool is needed to unplug just look for the little tab near the wire end of the plug and push in on the tab and the plug to slide it out. This is true for all the plugs.

Remove both of the big shiny black side trim pieces either side of the shifter knob by first pulling out and up on the rear end and then snapping out the front ends. Use the pry tool when necessary.

The trim piece around the shifter handle will come off by pulling up and disconnect the attached plug by pushing in on the tab.

It’s easier partly remove the cup holders to be able to thread the two wires going to the left door area. Take out the two screws (don’t lose them) and pull up on the back end. The panel just in front of the cup holders will stay attached so partly snap them out also.

Remove the gray panel just left of the steering wheel with the pry tool, inserted at the top and snap out the square panel..

Take out the four screws on the bottom edge of the dash panel either side steering wheel (don’t lose them)

Remove the sound proof panel by the foot pedals and with the pry tool remove the gray large panel below the steering wheel.

By hand remove the plastic screw on the inner part of the black trim piece by the driver’s carpet foot pad

With the pry tool, unsnap the front section of the bottom door frame trim (rocker panel)

Unsnap the top front part of the bottom door frame trim and disconnect from the bottom piece to give you access to the wire plugs.


#1 through #7 connections are at center consul with #8 & #9 by left front door

1. Black Module wire taps into the car’s Black and White stripped ground wire, use small gauge connector

#2 through &7 connections are made in wires from the car’s white plug of the center consul, use small gauge connectors

2. Yellow Module wire taps into car’s Grey wire on the car’s white plug

3. Cut the car’s White and Purple wires in the center between the white plug the wire bundle-side

4. Connect White Module wire to Purple wire on the white car’s plug-side

5. Connect Grey Module wire to White wire on the white car’s plug-side

6. Connect Orange Module wire to White wire on car’s bundle-side

7. Connect Brown Module wire to Purple wire on car’s bundle-side

8. Add 4 Ft to Red Module wire & thread through dash & tap to thick Blue wire, constant +12 volt, thru the access panel left of steering wheel, use large 12 GWA T-Tap Splice on car’s Blue wire, attach a male terminal on end of Red Module wire to plug into T-Tap splice connector

9. Add 4 Ft to Blue Module wire & thread through the dash, unplug the bottom right plug of the cluster near the floor & tap into the single Red wire with blue dots (door close signal wire) use small gauge connector

10. Plug in all the plugs removed and connect the Module to it’s plug. Test the mirror module & replace the trim pieces and you’re done.

Things that may help with the module install

Small pliers to squeeze wire tap connectors,
Wire cutters,
Plastic pry tool (Harbor Freight $5.00) to help remove trim pieces and access panels,
2 different colored 4 foot lengths small gauge 18-16 AWG to extend module wires to make connections near left door,
9 wire tap splice connectors 18-16 AWG for small gauge wire connections,
1 T-Tap splice connector 12-10 AWG with one male terminal to tap constant +12 volts next to steering wheel.

When you have followed the instructions and made the proper connections the mirrors will:
Open up when you turn on the ignition
Close when you lock the car
Instructions from another member:

Now there are 3 wires left from the module, Green, blue and red. The green wire is not used,
and blue wire will be connected to the power lock wire. This wire is located at the driver side
bottom left panel, remove the panel and see photo below.

Connect the blue wire from the module to the red wire with green dots on it using the T-tap 22-18. This wire will send the signal to the module when you lock the car.
Now the module blue wire isn’t long enough, you will need to use a spare wire to extend the wire from the center console to this location.
Fusiondynamic member, you are right, the blue wire from the module does connect to the red wire on the car (door closed sending wire). There are two plugs in this location. What I would like to know which is the plug I’m looking for? The upper plug has two red wires both with blue dots. My wife with better color vision than most, says the dots are blue not green but they are the same color to me and her. If one has blue dots and the other has green dots, I can’t see any difference. The lower plug has only one red wire with dots. Is it the top plug with the two red wires with dots or the bottom plug with only one red wire with dots that I should be looking for?
sobayimage - I checked my wire again, the door close single wire on the car is RED with BLUE dots, thanks for your catch.
Did you get what you needed to finish the video? I can't wait to see it. I'm wondering long term if the motors on the mirror will be okay with open/closing every time.
Thank you for this. With this video, I had mine installed and functional in under and hour. And most of that time was getting another beer. (s)
I really like the convenience of this mod. Has anyone who's done the mod had any trouble with reliability of the aftermarket part? Can it be "over-ridden" from the console button, or the master interior door-lock switch on the driver's door, or the lock/unlock button on the exterior of the driver's door? I'd hate to push the master interior door-lock button on the driver's door to lock the car prior to driving, and have the mirrors fold shut on me.

I'm curious about an alternate way to wire the control:

Is it possible to wire it so that the mirrors fold open when the main "start" button is pushed, and fold shut when the "stop" button is pushed? That would seem to prevent any unintended operation of the mirrors.

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