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New member
Mar 2, 2015
I would like the ability to query the ABS and airbag systems on my Toyota as well as the engine parameters. I know that engine parameters and error codes are available via a OBD2 reader, but this does not provide support for the other systems.

Looking at Mini VCI cable and Techstream software for sale that would seem to allow the user to read the engine,ABS and Airbag systems. So a couple of questions

- Has anyone bought one of these systems, if so can you recommend a vendor online. There seems to be many identical systems at wildly different prices ?

- What are the limitations of the Techstream software provided, is it a cut down demo version ?

- I am assuming that this software/hardware will support a 4.2 2004 vehicle, but does anyone know the precise protocols that I should be looking for for airbag/ABS support?
I'm using Tony's cable (which is VERY hard to setup because its a true Toyota cable, requires XP, cisco drivers, special versions of TIS with serial cracking, etc)..

So I got this as well....
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00C9B32J4?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 and others have as well.. it's works perfect on the RavEV

And if you have any issues setting up TIS with a Win7 or 8 machine (i even tested it on my SurfacePro3 running 10)... use this guide..


P.S. Getting TIS is easy.. ;)