.snag files are edit/markup files (used by Snagit!) that I use/save for making custom callouts for when people ask me to identify stuff; it's not part of Toyota's offering, and in an ideal world, I'd put them somewhere else, but [shrug] it's a hobby and I'm not shooting for perfection. You can ignore them, and just view the associated file that's usually a PNG.
Yeah, I'm sometimes inconsistent with my file naming. I try, but [shrug].
When you pays Toyota your $25 for online access, you get nicer internal linking. For example, in a DTC troubleshooting guide, an internal hyperlink can take you to a sub-section or "how to take that part off first" guide, without having to manually search for it. I looked into making those links work in 2018, but about a man-week into scripts, and abandoned it as too much effort needed on my part; I'd much rather pay someone $100 for one that worked that way but ran locally without a subscription (I loathe subscriptions of all kinds) but so far nobody has made one for the EV version, only the ICE version
I have missed downloading some of the Repair Guides, unfortunately, and if someone buys another subscription and wants to forward downloaded pages (with all associated support files) I can add them to the ZIP, but I'm kind of tired of chasing this stuff, and . . . well, anybody with $25 can get 48 hours access if then really want.
These pages I've d/l'd let me browse a bit when I want some general info; if I find I need something I've missed, I can buy it later.