When can we buy the Rav4 EV on the east coast?

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I'm gonna regret this -

The citizens of California have fought for higher efficiency vehicles, and passed laws that are forcing manufacturers to meet stricter air quality and efficiency standards. This has caused us some problems, cost us a bunch of money, and in some ways been a serious PITA on many levels. But it's also helped bring about higher fuel efficiency and cleaner air for almost everyone in this country.

The Zero Emissions requirement is another part of that. It is truly a shame that no one at Toyota understands the desire the marketplace has for this vehicle, and made more of an effort to release, promote, and support it nationally. But they are doing it in California because we made them. Rather than blaming Toyota, blame yourselves, the legislators you've elected, your neighbors and your businesses for not making that same commitment that we have.

But rather than go that route - there are other options for electric and hybrid vehicles. Buy the ones whose manufacturers do choose to work in your state, who want your business. By all means - organize boycotts of Toyota, embarass the heck out of them, but more importantly, support the Nissans and Fiats and Smart Cars and Teslas by buying them. And put more pressure onto your state and federal representatives to support and encourage and even REQUIRE the sale of electric (or alternate zero-emissions technology) vehicles in your state. Give priority access on toll roads, reduce fees on EVs, increase gas taxes, etc, etc. If you had had those things in place before, you'd probably be picking up a Rav EV at your local shop right now -

I'll now slink quietly into the background so you can continue to find someone to blame -
Good points... I think Honda leases the FIT EV on some of the East Coast States because of the CARB emission laws adopted by those states.... not sure why Toyota isn't in the same boat as far as CARB credits.

I think you meant FORD? FIAT ("losing $10,000 per car, sky is falling" Marc. chairman wails) is also CA only... bet those 500e's would be hot little sellers in many places but alas losing $10,000 for every one driven off the lot... (who knows.. is the break-even point moving 50,000 of those little suckers? how much is RD overhead being attributed to each car, and how much is really the battery/parts/metal that makes the car a $10,000 black hole loser?)

Is Chevy also going nationwide? So add GM with their VOLT (which is technically not a pure BEV) and if they follow with the Chevy EV.

The other game changer may well be the BMW IE.. they said they will sell nationwide.
Ok, here it is. You've all been waiting for it. Which car(s) are most militant and hosile about California Air Resources Board - Zero Emissions Vehicle (CARB-ZEV) compliance, and which ones really want to sell battery electric cars?

.. Manufacturer .. Model(s) .... A ....... B ...... C ...... D ..... E ..... F
1. Honda - F*t EV / FCEV ..... YES ..... YES ... YES ... YES ... NO ... YES
2. Toyota - R*v4 EV / FCEV... NO ..... YES ... YES ... YES ...YES ... YES
3. Chry/Fiat - Fi*at 500* ....... NO ..... YES ... YES ... YES ... NO ... YES
4. GM - Sp*rk EV ................. NO ..... YES ... YES .... NO ... NO ... YES**
5. Ford - F*cus EV ............... NO ..... YES ... NO ... YES ... NO ... YES
6. Daimler - Smart/B-Class . NO ..... YES .... NO .... NO ... NO ... YES
7. BMW - *3 ........................ NO ..... NO .... NO .... NO ... NO ... NO (Frankenplug)
8. Nissan - LE*F ................. NO ..... NO .... NO .... NO ... NO ... NO (CHAdeMO)

**someday Frankenplug

Can't yet rank:

V.VW - eGolf ........................ ??? ..... YES .... ??? .... NO ... ??? ... ??? (Frankenplug?)
X. Hyundai - FCEV ................ ??? ..... ??? .... ??? .... NO ... ??? .... NO (Hydrogen)
Y. Kia - Soul EV .................... ??? ..... YES .... ??? .... NO ... ??? ... NO (CHAdeMO)
Z. Mazda - Demio EV ........... ??? ..... YES .... ??? .... NO ... ??? .... NO (CHAdeMO)

So, here is the criteria:

A. Lease Only to be crushed at lease return (no sales whatsoever)?
B. Converted car (not built on a purpose built EV chassis)?
C. Only sold in CARB states (not what the manufacturer says, but what they actually do). Only sold in minimal numbers to meet CARB requirements?
D. Loudly dismiss EV's and the CARB program, and generally announce how FEW they will produce?
E. Harass owners when their car is out of state with a warranty claim?
F. Without quick charge access on the compliance car?


First, let's be clear about the rules.

1. NOT EVERY CAR MAKER MUST COMPLY WITH CARB-ZEV. Currently, there are six "Large Vehicle Manufacturers" (LVM) that must produce Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) if they want to sell lots of oil burning cars in California, model years 2012-2014:

USA Big Three LVM's:

GM - about 2500 Sp*rk EV's
Ford - maybe 1500-2000 Ford F*cus EV's
Chrysler/Fiat - 491 F*at 500* for 2013 model year confirmed

Japan Big Three LVM's:

Toyota - 2600 R*v4 EV's announced
Nissan - 75,000 LE*F's so far!!
Honda - 1100 F*t EV's announced

For the 2015 and later model years, all these vehicle manufacturers must comply:

BMW, Fiat/Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Mazda, Daimler/Mercedes, Nissan, Toyota, and Volkswagen must comply with the new 2012 and later CARB-ZEV requirements. Four additional manufacturers would also be required to comply with the ZEV requirements, but would be allowed to meet their obligation with PHEVs (so they aren't included, since they won't make a true ZEV). Note that neither Mitsubishi, nor Tesla are on the list.
Tadol said:
I'm gonna regret this -

The citizens of California have fought for higher efficiency vehicles, and passed laws that are forcing manufacturers to meet stricter air quality and efficiency standards. This has caused us some problems, cost us a bunch of money, and in some ways been a serious PITA on many levels. But it's also helped bring about higher fuel efficiency and cleaner air for almost everyone in this country.

The Zero Emissions requirement is another part of that. It is truly a shame that no one at Toyota understands the desire the marketplace has for this vehicle, and made more of an effort to release, promote, and support it nationally. But they are doing it in California because we made them. Rather than blaming Toyota, blame yourselves, the legislators you've elected, your neighbors and your businesses for not making that same commitment that we have.

But rather than go that route - there are other options for electric and hybrid vehicles. Buy the ones whose manufacturers do choose to work in your state, who want your business. By all means - organize boycotts of Toyota, embarass the heck out of them, but more importantly, support the Nissans and Fiats and Smart Cars and Teslas by buying them. And put more pressure onto your state and federal representatives to support and encourage and even REQUIRE the sale of electric (or alternate zero-emissions technology) vehicles in your state. Give priority access on toll roads, reduce fees on EVs, increase gas taxes, etc, etc. If you had had those things in place before, you'd probably be picking up a Rav EV at your local shop right now -

I'll now slink quietly into the background so you can continue to find someone to blame -
Very well put. Voting with your wallet is very effective, much more effective than voting for politicians. Too bad more people can't figure this out.

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