Rav4 EV Temperatures

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Dec 31, 2018
Pacific Palisades, CA
Is there anywhere in the control panel in the car where I can see the temperature of the various cooling systems in the RAV?

Particular, I am interested in the Traction Battery Temp...

Does the cooling system ever go on when charging? Sometimes I think my Traction Charger shuts down at a certain temperature.

I have an OpenEVSE Charger and it reads out a temperature -- I start hearing clicking and cycling in the Rav when the temperature gets up to 36 Degrees C.

I would appreciate any info.

That information is not exposed to the owner. However, all the data is there on the rear diagnostic connector. However, you need special hardware and software to decode and display the information. I don't know of any straight forward DIY solution. I was planning on looking into it more extensively soon. There are solutions for Tesla vehicles that could be adapted with what I assume is relatively minor effort.
under construction

We can do remote your RAV4EV checking using this: https://alflash.com.ua/service/rav4ev-precheck-customize-list-2/
The temperature that the OPEN EVSE is reading is the actual internal temperature of the charge cable control box. It does not, nor can it, read the temperature of the batttery.

All JdeMO equipped RAV4 EVs have the ability to read the cell temperatures, expressed in the lowest to highest values. We used to supply a physical data screen to show that data (in about 2014-2015).

If there was a problem with the battery coolant temperature, you would get a message. The coolant tank for the battery is the blue/green fluid on the driver's side of the car (under the hood).

The coolant for the:

1) Motor
2) Inverter
3) DC to DC converter
4) OnBoard Vehicle Charger (OBVC)

is the blue/green tank on the passenger side of the vehicle. If it was too hot, the charger would indeed stop.

The OBVC is a known high failure component, but overheating is the failure mode. It either blows a fuse, or it "pops" some components internally. It can also start acting up, just before it fails altogether.

Of course, once again, RAV4 EVs with JdeMO can still charge at 35,000 CHAdeMO fast charge stations worldwide, on 5 continents and over 100 countries, even with a failed OBVC. You won't be stranded.
Thanks Tony --

So, there's not much inside that box to heat up except the relay itself. I was imagining all sorts of things...

I did a charge session and opened the hood. There are a couple of pumps where I could easily find them and I could tell they were running.

If it was a really hot day, would the radiator fans ever come on during charging?


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