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tgreene said:
I saw that a dealer in Santa Rosa was selling a used 2012 blizzard pear AND a used 2012 shoreline blue pearl for sale on craigslist for $36K each a couple weeks ago. They had under 100 mi each on them. I called and they confirmed that they were listed as used and therefore ineligible for either the Federal credit or CA rebate. Perhaps these were sold and then financing was denied to the buyers? I saw that explanation in another thread recently.

That's too bad, sorry to hear for new prospective buyers. Unless the price is closer to 30k, it'll be difficult to entice buyers to forgo the tax/rebates
Just clicked on the "request sale price" link for the dealer in MA. I can't wait to see what their game is. Who knows, maybe it'll be a really good deal. I'll share the response.
Ive heard about dealers having to take the cars back in a couple cases. (i heard a person at my dealership in Fremont mention that). So its possible thats the source of the "used" Rav4s. I think thats also the source of the toyota document i had to sign that essentially said that I understand its a limited range vehicle and i have to charge it :)
I got a call back, The salesman seemed unaware that you could get a new one significantly cheaper than he was asking for this one. He said he might be able to get it down to 44k, maybe even 43k. With a chuckle i said "I hope you like the way it looks on the lot, because it'll be there for a while at that price". I genuinely feel that EV shoppers are a far more educated breed of car shopper. I don't think people are just going to buy an EV (especially a 50k EV) without doing any type of research. Maybe someone will prove me wrong.
Charlestonleafer said:
I got a call back, The salesman seemed unaware that you could get a new one significantly cheaper than he was asking for this one. He said he might be able to get it down to 44k, maybe even 43k. With a chuckle i said "I hope you like the way it looks on the lot, because it'll be there for a while at that price". I genuinely feel that EV shoppers are a far more educated breed of car shopper. I don't think people are just going to buy an EV (especially a 50k EV) without doing any type of research. Maybe someone will prove me wrong.
All they need is one buyer....
Called on this one again today, and it's still marinating on their lot. The salesperson said she'd talk to the owner and get back to me. I wonder how many months they'll let it sit there.
Hoosier said:
The dealership in Washington responded to my request. They are asking $37,977.

Wow i dont know how these guys expect to sell a used vehicle at that price. Mine brand new was less than that out the door (after rebates and such). Whats more, its not like there isnt inventory. Maybe they're assuming people in Washington dont know people in California or something. Seems dumb.
There is a 2012 Blizzard Pearl one advertised for $28,900 on craigslist:

It is at Toyota Sunnyvale (CA) and has only 3055 miles on it. Sounds like a good deal!
Hi Everyone, I'm new here.
I looked at the Rav4EV in MA at Wellesley Toyota in May. At that time they said the best they could do is 45K and that although it was driven by the owner of the dealership, it was never registered so it is still considered "new"
I just called yesterday and now their best price is 43K w/ Levitron install included but now it has 8900 miles on it the salesman is confused as to whether it is "used" or "new" I told him I need a much better price than that and if it is used I won't get the $7500 tax credit.
Asking this forum - what's a reasonable price to shoot for? $38K? $36K?
I've also contacted Dianne Whitmire and would move forward on a new one if this one doesn't work out.
Thank you to all!
I would think that 8900 miles would sort of serve as a "burn in" period with regard to some of the failures that have been known to exist.

My "Check EV" error message appeared around 1600 mi and resulted in the replacement of the Gateway ECU. My charger failed and was replaced at 4000 mi. So far everything is good at 4900 mi. I will say that when the charger was replaced the charging noises are now gone. Now when I plug it in it is quiet except for a slight whirr of a fan somewhere. They also updated the system with the latest firmware update.
tomandjillysmom said:
Hi Everyone, I'm new here.
I looked at the Rav4EV in MA at Wellesley Toyota in May. At that time they said the best they could do is 45K and that although it was driven by the owner of the dealership, it was never registered so it is still considered "new"
I just called yesterday and now their best price is 43K w/ Levitron install included but now it has 8900 miles on it the salesman is confused as to whether it is "used" or "new" I told him I need a much better price than that and if it is used I won't get the $7500 tax credit.
Asking this forum - what's a reasonable price to shoot for? $38K? $36K?
I've also contacted Dianne Whitmire and would move forward on a new one if this one doesn't work out.
Thank you to all!

Leasing new is a much better deal. $445 no money down unlimited miles for 3 years.
well i bought mine in May, didnt get the best possible deal i could've and my out-the-door cost with Toyota cash back + all California taxes & Reg + the rebate was around $37-38K (and i got the zero percent financing on the vehicle). I think i acutally wrote a check for about $11K (mainly becuase i didnt want a huge car payment, even if it was all principle. Probably dumb on my part becuase i could've financed the whole thing).

Which was for a new vehicle with a full warranty etc. (I probably bought more warranty than i needed becuase i bought the extended warranty with the vehicle).

So I would say if he cant get you substantially below $40K out the door, you should be looking elsewhere.

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