kaikaidragonz said:Rav4EVoom said:kaikaidragonz said:hi Rav4EVoom,
I also live in the San Fernando Valley. I've been trying to figure out how to install an EVSE in my garage and apply for the Charge-Up rebate. Do you mind sharing your electrictian's information with me? also, were you able to buy a plug-in EVSE or did Mr. Smith only allow the wall-mount one?
any help is appreciated!
It's been awhile but I will send you my electrician info if I find them. Sorry that it's been awhile and I am not familiar with "Charge-Up" rebate. I can only share what I did and unfortunately I can't guarantee what worked for me will also work for you with LADWP. Also wanted to say that forum members and especially JasonA helped me greatly with this.
I apply with LADWP for the EVSE rebate program online. Then I hired the electrician to install an 240V outlet in my garage(it was cheaper than getting him to install an EVSE for me if he's only adding an outlet). I specified the minimum current I want the outlet to handle and in my case it was constant 40Amp current. This was important since circuit breaker, wire gauge(distance to my breaker box also influence wire gauge selection, the longer the distance, the thicker the wire needed), outlet current rating chosen must be able to support it for safety reasons.
I ordered a clippercreek wall mount level 2 EVSE, put a plug on it and "hung" it "securely" in my garage while it's plugged in to my 240V wall outlet. It's not a permanent installation since I can unhook the unit and unplug it if I need to take it with me although it's not designed to be portable. Back then no portable EVSE has the specified UL certification needed to qualify the rebate, so I had to buy a wall unit. Otherwise, I would prefer to get a true portable one.
I don't recall how much I paid for the electrician now but I believe it's around $400 including city permits. Hope this helps.
thank you so much! I think LADWP simply renamed the EVSE rebate program to "Charge Up"I'll start with applying for the EVSE installation on LADWP and go from there. It sounds like the EVSE with wall outlet plugin is ok then.. there are a few models on Amazon that are 'hardwired' version without a wall outlet plug. I was hoping to avoid those
As long as you pass the inspection, you should be ok. You do want to make sure the EVSE you chose meets the program requirement. The Clipper creek unit I got didn't come with a plug. I bought and installed the plug myself. Just an FYI.