Open Source EVSE coming on Kickstarter

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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
Volcano, CA
I was at Maker Faire yesterday (where there was an eRav4 on static display btw) and up in the "electric vehicles" section (where various people show off their electric conversions), there was a company talking about a Kickstater project to build what they call a "Juicebox" which is an open source based EVSE.

Press release here

They had one (a pre-production one) charging a conversion (BMW) that they'd done.

I thought Id post this here because I'm sure a few owners are enough of a "geek" that they might want to try one out. :lol:

(Btw the Kickstarter doesnt appear to be up yet and I dont have any association with the company)
Interesting... thanks for the link. I wonder what supplier they use for the J-1772 plug/cord as that is a large part of the expense for the openEVSE build. I think the Leviton 30A 24' J-1772 is now priced around $140 retail.

I bought an earlier version board from Mitch Wolrich on MNL for my openEVSE build. He sold it to me for a slightly reduced price and with everything else that was needed, including the Leviton 30A J-1772 cord assy. my costs were right at $400.00. I think most were spending around $475 or so for the parts needed to build the latest version of Chris Howell's 30A openEVSE.

Not sure how they can offer quality components and offer for half that at $200 but maybe they have a volume source for quality parts. All those little components really add up. For the time I spent building my openEVSE I would have been better off buying the CC CS-60 for $725.00... which I did! :)
FYI it is up at

Intriguing. It looks like it would be possible to put together 60A EVSE for around $400.

No affiliation, although I might back the project.

Chris Howell, the developer of the Open EVSE project had some reservations about this project being safe at 60 Amps. Here is his comments on the Tesla Motors Club:

That of course is not a concern to a RAV owner. I do like the ability to dial up or down the Amps, depending on the source. I have an SOC meter that I bought from EMW a year ago. It works well and has a nice Android interface.
I wrote to folks at EMW and asked how about the 30A components, they confirmed that the relay for the prototypes were indeed 30A (built to test the logic) however the final version will be 60A capable all the way through.

FYI the kickstarter was successful including the stretch goal. I backed the project and I'm hoping to receive my deluxe kit in a few weeks.

They're still taking orders before going to full production. The offer is not as good as the kickstarter but it is still pretty good. They say the price will go up again once they go into production.

It looks like a 15kW capable EVSE can be put together for less $400 in parts (DIY version). An assembled one will be just over $500. At the EAASV meeting last week Valery said the base unit also has an adjustable pilot.

I think I read on Waidy's blog that her son put together an open source EVSE. Shes got it in her garage. ..or maybe I understood that wrong.