Follow up... and question?
If the body shop need to tack weld (edit... using arc type tack welder) on the body, does the traction battery need to be disconnected? The 12v needs to be disconnected of course, but the traction battery doesn't use the chassis as GND soooo... The reason I ask is because this is what my chosen body shop said they would do, only because that's what they do with all 12v systems. I also have assurances that the vehicle will NOT be put into the bake booth, and I can be present when this painting process is being performed. They claim they have a special clear coat that doesn't required heat.
When shopping around for body shops, I went to 3, and I put the same question to each. "What is the most critical NO-NO when painting EV's"? None got it right. The first performs Leaf work, and they said because the batts are "more inside" the vehicle, the heat doesn't have time to soak that far into the mass. I told them that won't work for me. The second said all their paint work must go into the heat booth. The third understands the risk, and like I said above, can do non-removable parts at room temps, I can be present during painting, and I told them I will be putting recordable thermometers in the vehicle to be certain everyone is being honest.