Observed: Regenerative braking cut by traction control

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2013
Los Altos, CA
I was exiting the freeway the other day at maximum regenerative braking. When one front tire went over a bump, the car felt like it suddenly lunged ahead because the Regenerative Braking was cut due to tire slip. The effect was more pronounced than in an ICE vehicle because all of the slowing effect at the time was provided by the traction motor. When the regen is cut by the traction control, no more braking effect is provided, whereas if the braking was provided by friction brakes, the ABS system would only reduce the braking effect on one wheel, leaving 50-75% of the braking force in effect.

The car was working properly and the braking force was only interrupted for a fraction of a second. This was just the first time that I had experienced it.
I've noticed this as well though never really put it all together. I'm pretty sure the LEAF acts the same way and I think my old Prius did too.
The braking system on modern EVs takes over when traction is lost during braking since the ABS must take control at this point.