New Chinese relay, check this out!

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Well-known member
May 18, 2014
Ithaca, NY
I have built a couple dual voltage, portable EVSE's and I am working on my third right now.

I ordered the same 80 amp Chinese that I used on the others (the same that is used in the Juicebox) but thats not what arrived. First off it took almost a month to get here from China but when they did, they were the same model/part number but they are definitely different. They are smaller and they are only single pole relays but they are rated at 120 amps. Im pissed because I have been waiting forever for these and they sent me single pole relays!

Check them out.

On the left is the lid from my first relays. To the right are the new ones. Notice the ratings and the size difference.

An up close photo.

If you had a large enough box you could use two of these and still make an EVSE but I bought 3. :rollseyes:
When I bought mine I noticed that they apply that same model/part number to single and dual pole units as well as those of varying voltage. It's easy to order the wrong thing, so I'd imagine just as easy for them to ship the wrong thing to you.
I swear they changed their posting because I really thought I ordered the right ones.

Im not sure I even understand "COIL:AC220V". My other ones said "COIL:DC12V".

Does that mean the coil on this one needs 220v to engage? Im not sure thats even possible using an OpenEVSE.
jimbo69ny said:
Im not sure I even understand "COIL:AC220V". My other ones said "COIL:DC12V".

Does that mean the coil on this one needs 220v to engage? Im not sure thats even possible using an OpenEVSE.

Yes, the coil voltage is 220 volts AC, so they will not work with 12 volt DC Open EVSE board unless you install a secondary control relay with a 12VDC coil to switch the 220VAC to the coil - similar to a contactor setup but without the benefits.
It almost seems like you got incompatible relays made by a "different" manufacturer that just so happened to have the same model number. Good luck trying to get your money back! Why don't you just buy "80A" relays from EMW? I believe they sell them individually from their online components store.
I am going to put these on ebay and hope I get some thing back from them.

I didnt realize EMW sold just the relay. I just ordered two more from China. I dont know how much EWM charges for shipping but the relay alone on their site is $15. The relays from China are $8 plus $5 shipping. (they combine shipping if you buy more than one) So I probably saved a few bucks but Ill have to wait 10-30 days to get it.
You haven't "saved" anything if your Chinese supplier sends you the wrong relays! I wouldn't take the chance by ordering any more from that supplier!
I ordered from a different one this time. The first one sent me my first 2 relays quickly. I had them in about 10 days. Unfortunately he no longer seems to be in business on Ali Express.
jimbo69ny said:
I ordered from a different one this time. The first one sent me my first 2 relays quickly. I had them in about 10 days. Unfortunately he no longer seems to be in business on Ali Express.
How many do you want ? I have a few extra ;-)


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