Need advice: High revving noise when A/C on at startup?

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New member
May 11, 2013
Hi - I have a 2012 RAV4EV that just hit 50k miles after almost five years. It's been a really hot summer where I live (105-110 degrees) and something odd has recently manifested. If I start the car with the A/C off, everything is normal and quiet. When I first start the AC for about the first 15-30 secs, there is a subtle revving noise that has a similar sound as if you were to step on the accelerator in an ICE car in neutral. It's not nearly as loud or noticeable, and it's a constant pitch but then it goes away. In perspective, it's quiet enough where it's hard to hear over the AC cabin noise so you have to listen for it, but it seems to be something you can also feel in the accelerator for a few moments. Almost feels like you're driving at a high RPM and ready to shift gears. ...and then it goes away after a few seconds. FWIW, the AC itself works great with normal cold air, fan speed, etc.

Any thoughts as to whether this is no big deal, or a developing problem thst should be preemptively dealt with?

Thanks and appreciate any insights,

My car also does this. I have noticed that at low road speeds like 25mph I notice this revving noise. When I stop at a traffic light it stops, most likely because it would be really intrusively noisy when the car is stationary. I am pretty sure the noise is from the fans for the A/C system. I think it's no big deal and working as intended.
Thanks to both of you for the feedback.

Tony, in your opinion when you say the VSC, is that "normal" behavior, something that should be fixed while we can, or something that may just need to be replaced...eventually?

(If it's the latter, is that a particularly costly fix)?

Thanks again,


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