Miles remaining meter running backwards?

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Dec 5, 2012
This is the second time I've seen this with my 2012 RavEV. Where, the mileage meter resets to LO (full bars though) even though it is 80% charged, and as I drive around, it slowly increments UP until it reaches the normal reading of how many miles remain. Has anyone else experienced this? My only observation is that I unplugged my car this morning just as it was starting it's pre-climate and was in the midst of actively charging. I don't recall if this was the same situation when I noticed it before. I don't believe it was.
brownie said:
This is the second time I've seen this with my 2012 RavEV. Where, the mileage meter resets to LO (full bars though) even though it is 80% charged, and as I drive around, it slowly increments UP until it reaches the normal reading of how many miles remain. Has anyone else experienced this? My only observation is that I unplugged my car this morning just as it was starting it's pre-climate and was in the midst of actively charging. I don't recall if this was the same situation when I noticed it before. I don't believe it was.

Yes, I've had that. Don't know why... it's yet another Rav4 "feature". That's what happens when engineers start working on a car in October 2010 and manufacturer the first ones in May 2012. There's no time in there to work out the bugs, which makes you the beta tester.

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