Looking for a mobile mechanic

Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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Apr 4, 2013
Hi all, sorry if message is repeated of inappropriately placed. i am looking for a mobile mechanic to help me out with my 2013. I am in Pasadena, CA. Willing to pay travel/assessment fees even. Willing to work with certified mechanics or with highly recommended garage warriors (like I used to be). Please DM me if willing and interested. Thanks!
Hello all. I received some messages about specifying the issues. here is goes: car was fine, driving normal a few months ago. Suddenly it stopped moving at ta traffic light and all error messages came on (ABS, etc). It won't shift into gear, but was running otherwise. I towed it to my driveway, put it on a trickle charger and has been sitting there for a while. I need help diagnosing (I am happy paying), fixing, or if you really love it, selling (it was a project car, more details later). Please advise! I am back in town last week of August but am gone in September. So either last week of August, or October. THANKS
Have you tried restarting the car since this incident?

With your foot on the brake, cycle power on then off 5 times in a row (press the ignition switch about every 2 seconds, you don't need to wait for the system to fully boot up each time). Leave the car on for the last cycle. This will normally clear any non-active faults.

If you get READY on the instrument cluster and the car will now go into Drive, then your previous fault was probably due to a motor speed sensor; this fault only seems to happen when the vehicle is stopped in Drive, and happens very infrequently.

If you don't get READY on the instrument cluster (or READY flashes then goes out), then you probably have a failed contactor, which is becoming a more common occurrence as these vehicles age.
Hi there, you're very close to me (where you ever in our Rav/ EV group locally??)

Anyways, don't know if you saw my post here recently about my issues but there's a shop in Costa Mesa called "EV FixMe" .. my buddy and long time local EV member of the group Tony Tam is the owner. He's the one that did my pack/ contactor replacement.

Don't know what's wrong with your Rav, if its something simple or bad? Is it DOA or can you post some pics?
