How to get the most range out of a charge....

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Sep 11, 2013
We've had our 2013 Rav4 EV for about a week now. When we picked it up from the dealer it had a range of around 154 on it. Our saleswoman told us that she gets a range of about the same on hers. We've installed our Siemens 30amp charger, but the most range we can get on Extended Charge is 117 miles. Does anyone have any insight on this?
Is it the charger? The Car? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
The range meter is a pessimistic guess of your range.

I think the highest number I've seen on extended charge is 135 miles. Last time it was at 135 I drove 100 over three days and had 55 miles left when I plugged in the charger. My guess is that when I see 135 I can go 170. Of course there are all sorts of caveats about speed, ac/heat, flying monkeys, etc.

I think you would have to be driving pretty hard to get your numbers down to the range meter.

The RAV4 EV is EPA-rated as having 93 miles of range on a standard charge, and 113 miles of range on an extended charge. This estimate is based on a series of 5 different "real world" driving tests in which the EV is driven like a standard car.

While many of us have found that the RAV4 EV can fairly easily beat the EPA estimates with conservative driving, 156 mile range on an extended charge may technically be possible but is incredibly optimistic, and should not be what you expect from the RAV4 EV.

The numerical estimate of range to the left of the speedometer - often referred to as a GOM or "guess-o-meter" here - is an estimate based on how efficient your prior trips were, along with real-time data on how much energy the car is using. If you're driving uphill with the heater on full blast, you'll see your range decrease faster than expected. If you're driving downhill in regenerative braking mode without any heating or AC, you'll actually see your range increase. That estimate is not gospel - it's just an estimate to help you evaluate how far the car will go.

The primary ways to maximize your range:
* Do not use sport mode. Sport mode reveals the performance of the RAV4's drivetrain, but at the expense of range.
* No sudden acceleration. Keep the "ECO" light on as you accelerate, and then drive at a steady and slow speed.
* Minimize the use of AC, the heater, or the fan. Turn them completely off, or at most, use the Eco Hi mode.
* Use "B" mode to use regenerative braking, especially going down steep hills or in stop-and-go traffic.

But again, while many of us can coax up to 140 miles out of an extended charge, 156 is not generally practical, and that number being displayed was likely the result of testing before your car was delivered than any sort of real-world estimate. 117 on an extended charge isn't the best the car can do, but it's a perfectly reasonable number, and is not indicative of a charging or other technical issue.
It really depends on your driving style and AC. I work around 20 miles away from work and had the EV showing 20 miles when I started driving home once. Made it back with around 7 miles left. Based on these numbers and your max extended range of 117, I would say roughly 180 is possible if you want to drive like a granny and sweat it out.
I appreciate all the feedback... I think I knew (and am figuring out) most of this info, but it's good to hear and get confirmation from more seasoned users and owners of the car.
Thanks again!
You've lost me my friend. I don't know what "lo" means in relationship to electrons. Nor do I understand how you got a range of 207 miles.
davidroth said:
You've lost me my friend. I don't know what "lo" means in relationship to electrons. Nor do I understand how you got a range of 207 miles.

"LO" means that the range is (according to the masterful GuessOmeter... GOM) means that the range is less than 5 miles or so, yet the fuel gauge says the car is "full" (even the fuel gauge is wrong... it could mean any value from 80% to 100% with that indication).

The same is true of 207 miles... it's a complete fabrication from the GOM.

I recommend not putting a lot of trust in the GOM, and further know that it does not predict the future at all; it is based on your driving in the past.
got it... thanks for clarifying.
I guess i've got to live with the 110 mile guess or so that shows up each morning.

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