How Do You Use B Mode and Pre-Cool the Car

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New member
Oct 16, 2024
I’m a first-time EV owner, and I just got myself a 2014 RAV4 EV. So far, I’m loving the ride! But I’ve got a couple of questions as I get used to it:

How do you all use the B setting? I’ve heard it can be pretty handy for regen, but I’m curious how other RAV4 EV drivers work it into their routine.

Pre-cooling while plugged in, how does that work? I’ve heard you can pre-cool the car while it’s charging, and that sounds like a great feature, especially on hot days. Any tips on how to set that up? Looking forward to learning more from you all.
B-mode is pretty easy to manage. For example, approaching a stop sign or other known requirement for slowing, moving to B position creates additional drag on the vehicle, while increasing the regeneration level. Once stopped or if slowing is no longer needed, a quick push to D removes the additional regen, but even if forgotten, it's ignored while pressing on the accelerator pedal.

The amount of regeneration is a slight increase compared to not using it but fairly noticeable overall.

We rarely used the air conditioning on our 2013 and never used the pre-conditioning, otherwise I'd make an attempt to assist. From what I recall, it's pretty straightforward.
Some people leave it in B mode all the time; I would myself, except that Toyota's implementation on this car disables cruise control in B mode, and I use CC all the time, so I switch between D & B modes all the time. That used to drive my partner batty.

The app to remotely control the climate controls required a monthly subscription to Toyota, never worked well, and died for good when the 3G network was decommissioned a few years ago. However, the onboard scheduler for pre-heat/pre-cool worked well for me when I had a regular schedule/commute; I'd have it pre-heat the cabin 15 minutes before my usual departure time in the morning, so I'd never need to defrost, for example. The scheduler is accessed via the main touch screen.
Like Al - I drive in B mode all the time except when using cruise control.
I never used pre-cool - the AC works really well and doesn't use a lot of battery.
Pre - Heat I use about 6 months a year - this week temps dropped into the 50's overnight- so fits use of the season. Set up the schedule on teh EV charge screen.