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Aug 31, 2013
I offered 17 k for a 2012 coda sedan to the local dealership. The internet manager was going to get back to me after speaking with the owner. I figure I can get the full federal 7500 tax rebate and the california 2500 tax credit so the car would cost me roughly 9 k after taxes, title, etc. No warranty and basically a manual for my own servicing. I also figure that if things crap out on me unexpectedly, I could always take those batteries and stick them on the back of my Rav4EV to extend to around 200 AER. Thoughts on this guys?
longschlng22 said:
I offered 17 k for a 2012 coda sedan to the local dealership. The internet manager was going to get back to me after speaking with the owner. I figure I can get the full federal 7500 tax rebate and the california 2500 tax credit so the car would cost me roughly 9 k after taxes, title, etc. No warranty and basically a manual for my own servicing. I also figure that if things crap out on me unexpectedly, I could always take those batteries and stick them on the back of my Rav4EV to extend to around 200 AER. Thoughts on this guys?

How would you verify that you can get the full tax credits/rebates?
I've driven a Coda once in 2012 at an EV show. The car definitely feels cheaply constructed and the biggest thing that stuck out to me was the poor braking system. Very poor brake feel and braking response was not consistent throughout my test drive. Other than that, for that price I'd say go for it anyways and drive it into the ground as long as you can.
Yeah.... I know the Coda has issues since it is bland looking inside and out. Can't complain about that price since that is almost the cost of the batteries.
The coda does not qualify for the CA rebate since the bankruptcy. The ca rebate requires a 8 year battery warranty which the coda no longer has. If you go to the carb website you will see the coda is no longer listed as eligible, regardless if it's never been titled.

You can still get hov stickers though.

So do not count in the ca rebate as part if your final cost.
Awww....poop. Thanks for the heads up Jeff. Hmm what would you guys rather do then. Get the coda for roughly 11 k after all rebates or a new focus electric for about 19 k after rebates?
longschlng22 said:
Awww....poop. Thanks for the heads up Jeff. Hmm what would you guys rather do then. Get the coda for roughly 11 k after all rebates or a new focus electric for about 19 k after rebates?
Focus Electric. It's a fantastic car. Best fit and finish of any EV available right now in my opinion. We've had no problems with ours. Range will be much lower than the Coda obviously, but the Focus is a better all around car and safer as well. If you can make the range work - I'd say it's worth the premium.
longschlng22 said:
Awww....poop. Thanks for the heads up Jeff. Hmm what would you guys rather do then. Get the coda for roughly 11 k after all rebates or a new focus electric for about 19 k after rebates?
I'd only get the Coda if I were expert enough to do all repairs that might come up. Parts are going to be mostly DIY.
Don't buy it, get a LEAF or RAV and don't look back. The idea of putting the batteries in a RAV is one you would likely regret for a long time unless you have nothing buy time.
Wife prefers the focus electric with all the extra standard bells and whistles. Maintenance and repair on the coda would be DIY, but I would be comfortable with that. I also have a Rav4ev, but adding in those lifepo4 batteries into the Rav4ev would resolve a lot of range concerns of ours since we have a lot of weekend drives that go 160 miles. That's if the coda craps out later on though. Ideally I would prefer the jdemo on the rav when that is finished. Still having issues with the CAN protocol Tony or is Toyota's nonstandard fields in their version of the protocol misleading? I would offer some help, but a newborn already has me lacking of sleep.

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