Fuel Door err Charge door doesn't open sometimes

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Sep 17, 2013
Does anyone have a problem with the charge door not opening? It's happened to me a few times, and my wife is complaining about it also. It's kind of a crappy hinge. I want to take it to a dealer and have them fix it, but I have little faith in what they can really do.
I have the same problem. It's not like it's a special part they had to make. Mine is always stuck and don't seem to want to open either.
Yeah I have the same problem. I'm going in for my "5000" mile service Friday, so I figured I'd ask them about it then, although I expect they'll just say it worked fine for them and do nothing about it.
I had the same problem. I looked at the mechanism and noticed some of the metal was sharp and would "bite" into the plastic tab.

I bent this a bit with some pliers so now it is smooth and haven't had the problem again.
My charging port door would not open a few days ago. Found out that in the far rear left side interior I could open the plastic cover (with two plastic tabs) to access the cable (that goes to the lever by the drivers seat) and release the door.
I have had this issue and I think I have it fixed.
I bent the latch part on the door for slightly more clearance or less engagement to the latch pin.
Seems to work sooo much better.
I just bought the fuel door release button, wiring and fuel door release solenoid from a PIP. I'm going to install it in the Rav as soon as it gets here. Not realy necessary but I thought it was a cool mod.
Yeah, I experienced this issue too (as did my girlfriend with her RAV4) but you just need to bend/tweak the part that supposed to catch a bit. (Too far and it won't stay closed. Too near and it won't release.) Once you get it right, it won't stick any more. I fixed mine pretty easily but it took a few tries over several weeks before we got it just right with my girlfriend's. Certainly not worth taking to the dealer though!
I fixed mine a dozen times and it works for a month or two then sticks again. This is definitely one of the annoying parts of the Rav 4. Sometimes if it gets really cold or hot, I have to prop the lever open and use a credit card. I wonder if the gas version has the same issue?

evdrive said:
I fixed mine a dozen times and it works for a month or two then sticks again. This is definitely one of the annoying parts of the Rav 4. Sometimes if it gets really cold or hot, I have to prop the lever open and use a credit card. I wonder if the gas version has the same issue?

Well, my gas RAV4 (2009) has never had the issue. I suggest changing how you're tweaking the catch. Look closer at the mechanism. It is possible to fix it for good.
I did end up installing the electronic fuel door popper off of a Prius. Since installing the parts I have never had an issue with it sticking. Even in the middle of winter.

The parts were hard to get but if you can find them the install was pretty easy. I put the switch in the cluster to the left of the steering wheel. It all looks and acts original. (Which its all oem, just not for this car haha)
I just ended up bending the big piece of metal with my hands. Now it is working. I do better job at the monkeys at the dealership

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