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I appreciate the kind words all.

DSinned, it sure is great to be untethered so to speak, from the utilities and gas stations, and to watch the financial benefits play out.  On the metering, have you perhaps considered a whole house electric usage meter?  Milholland was suggesting that I look into the G-Meter (, which taps into the house at the panel, and allows you to monitor all circuits live via a web portal.  Actually, they proposed that they will install one for me as a beta trail for their company so long as share access to the portal.

Jspearman, I was fortunate that the house has plenty of direct south facing roofline without any chance of shading issues.  This allowed me to maximize system ROI and avoid paying too much of a premium for higher efficiency panels that would be necessary on more space constrained installation.

Richard, I can’t imagine any company assuming that liability.  Though from my research, Sunpower panels seem to be the Cadillac of panels in terms of build quality and efficiency.
