entunes problems _again_

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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2012
I can't find the previous thread, sorry

But I didn't get any charging updates from entunes since the 19th of June.

Emailed Percy at Toyota to look into it.
Yup, I've noticed the same. Plus I got all sorts of "charge interrupted" emails during a charge on 6/18. I thought there might have been a good reason for it, as I was charging with my openEVSE off a 14-50 at a resort away from home, but the charge eventually completed just fine, and with the absence of any Entune emails since I'm thinking it's the same issue.
I have not received any Entune e-mail notifications on Sat, Sun, Mon - 6/20-6/22. I did a single charge in the early morning of each of those days.
Just got a reply from Percy @ Toyota

Hi Danny – I see your email address for the entune account is through gmail.

Do you have another email account from another server, like yahoo or Hotmail?

I don’t see any notification outage from our Entune server report and it will be a good idea to try another email server just to confirm is the notification issue is due to the email server or not. If you don’t have another non-gmail account, please change your entune password to ***** for me to try my email account.

Thanks Danny!


I do indeed have a gmail account.
Do all the others that didn't get notifications also have gmail, or other accounts like he suggested ?
Could be a problem between email servers like he suggested.
Do all the others that didn't get notifications also have gmail, or other accounts like he suggested ?
My charge notifications are sent to a mail server on my personal domain, which doesn't pass through Google. I too haven't received any notifications since the 18th. I've double checked the anti-virus software (which logs even blocked messages), and there are no delivery attempts for the notifications. This is almost certainly an issue at either Toyota or Nuance.
The Google e-mail issue is hogwash in my opinion. At Percy's request near the beginning of 2015, I changed my Entune account to use a Outlook.com e-mail instead of a Gmail account. There has been no substantive difference. I still get randomly missing e-mail notifications. If their network vendor does not know how to properly deliver notification e-mails through Google, then they simply don't know how to do their job properly. [end rant]
Another response from Percy @ Toyota

Hi Danny – I have just received another email from customer with Hotmail account….same issue….no need for you to try another email account. I will submit a service ticket for the issue to be investigated/resolved. I will update you within the next 2-3 days.

Sorry for the troubles Danny….

Will update when I hear something new.
Another update from Percy

Hi Danny:

I received the update below. Could you sign out and sign on for Entune on your phone again and try the recharging again to see if the notification will work again for you?

Thanks again in advance Danny!


Hi Percy,

There was a brief outage on 6/19, Friday that impacted our service providers’ data center. Due to which the EV email notification service was impacted on 6/19.
All system were restored on Friday itself after a very short span of time.

I replied that he and the other person are wrong.
No email received since 19th.
To prove I just started charge session and interrupted. Should have gotten 2 emails.
Sent him a screenshot of my filtered EV inbox on gmail.
Hopefully somebody will actually wake up this time .
Just to add to the story, Percy passed the same message to me about there being a server issue on Friday that was resolved Friday. (clearly it was not resolved properly) He also asked me sign out and sign in again on the Entune App. This is just silly.
miimura said:
Just to add to the story, Percy passed the same message to me about there being a server issue on Friday that was resolved Friday. (clearly it was not resolved properly) He also asked me sign out and sign in again on the Entune App. This is just silly.

When he asked to change the passwd on myentunes.com, i should have gotten a notification message.
did not happen.

I just got a very delayed interruption email & when I changed the password back an email about the change.
Whoever Percy is in contact with, obviously did something to let emails start flowing again.
But it was only we letting Percy know.
I hope he convinces the people to set up some kind of automated test system.
The fact that users have to notify them about glitches like this is not okay.
fromport said:
I hope he convinces the people to set up some kind of automated test system.
The fact that users have to notify them about glitches like this is not okay.
I am not holding out any hope of the system improving for this orphan of a car. There is no profit motive for them to do anything different until they have a high volume car that requires the same functions.
miimura said:
fromport said:
I hope he convinces the people to set up some kind of automated test system.
The fact that users have to notify them about glitches like this is not okay.
I am not holding out any hope of the system improving for this orphan of a car. There is no profit motive for them to do anything different until they have a high volume car that requires the same functions.

Entunes is also used by Prius right?
Do they have a completely different system from ours?
We got the update with slackerradio.
I doubt we would have gotten that unless it is exactly the same as on other toyotas
miimura said:
I am not holding out any hope of the system improving for this orphan of a car. There is no profit motive for them to do anything different until they have a high volume car that requires the same functions.
Don't forget that the much more high volume and still-being-sold Plug-in Prius uses the same system. Were it not for that, I'd completely agree with you, but assuming the PiP is subject to these same failures it is particularly embarrassing for Toyota that they can't do better. However, I suspect that Entune's shortcomings are lost on the vast majority of PiP owners, since they don't even bother to charge and just bought the car for the green HOV stickers.

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