Ecototality and Blink for the RAV4

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Apr 18, 2013
So our Leaf failed the distance test and we bought the RAV4EV which we love. WE had a Blink installed for the Leaf as part of Ecototality deal where they provided the unit free. They don't accept the RAV4 - only Leaf and Volt - so they want us to either purchase the Blink for $850 or they will remove it. But the Leviton costs about $1000 and installation another $300 for only 10 amps more. I guess we should buy the Blink but my annoyance at Ecototality is total. Any recourse that anyone knows of? I should not have told them about the RAV4 and they probably would not have found out but i had a question. :(
What about the ClipperCreek CS-60 that is offered on ebay for $725.00? Possibly less with the group buy. I got mine for $675.00 Liked it so much I bought a second one to use at home. Works great!

The unit can be either installed with a 60 amp breaker for 48 amp max continuous draw or downgraded (with a re-flash of the circuit control board) to a CS-50 for a 50 amp breaker and 40 amp continuous draw... what the Rav4 EV can use for max charge capability.

Discussed here...

Good luck! :)
Wow... I am shocked by that news.
I also have the free Blink and am using it for my Rav4 EV for 2 weeks now. I haven't said anything to Blink/Ecotality about it and I won't. I still have my Leaf so if I do get that call, I can swap cars and chargers and make them happy. But still.... the whole situation really pisses me off. :evil: I also recently re-signed the agreement to allow another year of data logging, and warranty extension... but now the "gotcha". I've had it in for Blink since day one. They are dysfunctional. But I must admit, my home unit has worked flawlessly for 18 months, and seems to work fine on the Rav4 EV without any heat detected from the connector.

Thanks for the heads up. Personally, I wouldn't pay them a dime just on principle. I would make it as difficult as possibly for them to come and get it. Then I would "fix" it so it would never work again just before they pick it up. But that's just me. :eek:
Lame! Do be careful about, if you happen to have a bad crimp in the J1772 handle and they haven't turned down the output of the Blink EVSE.

I wouldn't pay $850 for a Blink EVSE.

Related threads below:
cwerdna said:
Lame! Do be careful about, if you happen to have a bad crimp in the J1772 handle and they haven't turned down the output of the Blink EVSE.

I wouldn't pay $850 for a Blink EVSE.

They couldn't pay me $850 to use one. Way too many issues, besides the burnt pins. I had two Blinks, and both failed to charge my LEAFs more times than I can count.

Get ANYTHING except Blink. If you buy it because you "saved" a few hundred bucks, you deserve the results.
I have no idea if the home Blink Chargers share anything with the commercial ones but I pass this tale along.
I headed to IKEA in Renton Wa to look for some furniture. I was low on charge on the Rav4 becasue I had not plugged it in the night before. I have gotten in the habit of only plugging it in every other day under the theory that 50% SoC is best for the battery. While I had enough charge to make the IKEA round trip, opted to plug into the Blink Charger onsite both for the experience and to add a little pad. It appeared to plug in fine but after about 20 min I got an email on my phone that said it was unplugged. I went out to check and it was plugged in but not charging. I restarted it and walked away. Again about 20 min later I got the same message. Bottom line it did not charge. Unfortunately I have very little data to determine why.

So I plugged in when I got home with very little charge. then double checked that the Rav4 was set to charge on schedule. It was 10:15 pm and the sechedule showed that charging would start at 11:48 to be complete by 6:45 am.
When I came out in the morning, no change, no charge. :(
Apparently, if power is disconnected within some period before scheduled charge start, it messes up the scheduled charge. I have only seen this once before. IN that case I had plugged in around 5 pm and then unplugged and plugged back in around 9 pm. I had decide do run to the store but then changed plans and just plugged back in.

I ended up keeping my Blink, but only because I kept it for free and the tech who works on mine is local and I have his phone number. He's also the tech who trains other techs, so I'm not using a guy who doesn't do Blinks for a living. We had a Leaf, too, and replaced it with the RAV, but we replaced my car with a Volt, so no problem.

If I had to pay $850 I would tell them no thanks, especially if you don't have quick access to service and parts. Get the Leviton or a used Clipper Creek.
SeattleRav4 said:
I have gotten in the habit of only plugging it in every other day under the theory that 50% SoC is best for the battery.

You would be better off only using Standard Charge setting (charge to 80%) every day and have the available range if needed rather than drive around at too low a SOC. Daily 50%-80% SOC would be better than dipping down below 30%.
robin1938 said:
WE had a Blink installed for the Leaf as part of Ecototality deal where they provided the unit free. :(

Ecototality didn't install the Blink EVSE for "FREE". You signed a contract allowing "The EV Project" to collect data from your Blink EVSE for two years. If you sold your Leaf before the two years were up...legally you owe "The EV Project" the cost of the EVSE and its installation. The same thing goes if you collected $2,500 from the CARB or $7,500 tax credits. You are legally contracted to drive your Leaf for two years before selling it.

You should be careful what you say in a public forum. Someone might report you to the IRS.
Hoosier said:
robin1938 said:
WE had a Blink installed for the Leaf as part of Ecototality deal where they provided the unit free. :(

Ecototality didn't install the Blink EVSE for "FREE". You signed a contract allowing "The EV Project" to collect data from your Blink EVSE for two years. If you sold your Leaf before the two years were up...legally you owe "The EV Project" the cost of the EVSE and its installation. The same thing goes if you collected $2,500 from the CARB or $7,500 tax credits. You are legally contracted to drive your Leaf for two years before selling it.

I believe the relevant point is that an EV project participants usage hasn't changed. One pure EV replaced by another pure EV. Yes we all know contracts... but please... spare us.

Hoosier said:
You should be careful what you say in a public forum. Someone might report you to the IRS.

You must be referring to Blink being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for illegal insider trading. I thought so. :p ... again, please spare us.