1) Not driving at a steady speed (you must use cruise control)
Okay, maybe this is it. I should use Cruise more often, but the thing crashes if I engage it too fast and it can get annoying fast in the city. I do mostly city driving and sometimes getting cruise control just right before a light can be a hassle ( I don't like speeding up fast. I like doing it slow). I'm going to have to see just how much my speed fluctuates with my foot too

BTW, wouldn't be better if CC was more focused on energy rather than speed? WIth hills up and downs you aren't really doing any steady energy draw as the machine tries to keep speed steady. Wouldn't be nicer if you could set it to consume X amount of killowatts for a steady draw?
2) Driving up hill
Part of my city driving do involve hills, but when I come back down I mainly use N and D or B if I get caught off by a red light. Really try not to use the physical brakes here or accelerate.
3) Driving into a head wind
This one could be another factor I haven't really taught about it much. Not that windy around here but the weather now does involve winds. Maybe they are stronger than I thought!
4) Have different tires, or underinflated tires
Will have to check if these tires are the same. Never thought about that. I had the tires at a steady 40 psi the past months and just now it went down to 35 psi. I checked monthly. Bumped them last night to 44 psi.
5) Driving with a cold battery
I sleep in my rav4 ev on ( i camp out in it) over night so I have a feeling the battery is plenty warm to start the day. I mean I do shut the car off sometimes, but maybe for an hour or so. Does the bat get cold that fast? How long does it take to warm it up? I charge at public places so lv2 charging is included on a daily basis for me. Though the thermal management system is not on while charging. you are so evil toyota

6) Driving on wet / snow / contaminated roads
No snow and only rained I think once last month. Not sure on contaminated.
7) Left a dog strapped on the roof (see the original movie Vacation)
Thank god I don't have a roof rack! or a dog for that matter
Not sure what to believe anymore. The energy monitor page/history keeps saying 2.2kwh mile average but today I did a drive up hill in a hurry (I was late.. ) and it was about a 10 mile drive. When I shut the vehicle off I saw the reading on the instrument cluster (Not the monitor stuff) and it said 2.8 miles/kwh average. So I don't know what to believe I had to use sport mode too for part of the drive. I thought it be much lower like 1.1 but got 2.8. was surprised. I still don't get why it says 2.2 miles.kwh but I will have to keep an eye on the numbers in the instrument cluster because these say different things.