Checklist/Advice for Buying Used RAV4 EV?

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Jul 25, 2013
Hi guys, I've been a long-time Model S owner (VIN 5,xxx, over 53k miles) and long-time RAV4 EV enthusiast. I haven't been following every single bit of RAV4 EV development. I'm about to pick-up a used 2012 RAV4 with about 23K miles. Is there a checklist of stuff I should check/verify when we do the hand-over? How about the Entunes account? Or what common issues do I need to look for? I noticed a loud sound from the motor assembly during hard acceleration. Seller says that's normal. Also, can I buy an extended warranty from Toyota? If so, should I? I will be doing about 80-90 miles per day on my commute to/from work and I need a safe/reliable vehicle. I'm thinking of picking up a JAMP JR (they are out of stock) or a JESLA. I am using the Tesla UMC for the Model S now, so the JESLA is familiar, but I don't think I need the portability for the RAV.

Also, what is the maintenance stuff like for the RAV? Much more involved than our Tesla?

The noise during acceleration is common, but not normal. Many people have had their motors replaced in order to cure that problem (including me). In my case, I think it may be coming back, but it's hard to tell, yet. You can buy a extended warranty any time before the 3/36,000 warranty expires. There's a thread on here about that:

Cheapest RAV4 EV Toyota Extended Warranty

The only thing I don't like about the Jesla for the RAV is that the RAV doesn't have a way to dial down the charging rate. This means that if you try plugging the Jesla into a 40a outlet, the RAV will draw too much current since the Jesla just assumes it has a 50a outlet. Since Tesla isn't selling a bunch of the adapters any more, you can't easily plug the Jesla in a lot of places unless you make your own adapters, which causes the same problem (assuming 50a when you're plugged into 30a, etc...). Also there are both cheaper and better built J1772 choices, especially if portability is not required...of course if you don't care about portability and you have a 50a outlet at home, then my objection above doesn't apply.
Thanks for the responses!

Dave.. Thanks for your comment on the JESLA. I didn't realize the RAV doesn't have the current-limit setting like the Tesla. Any suggestions for better/cheaper EVSE? And how difficult is it to convince a dealer service center to replace the drive-unit under warranty? From my readings here on the forum, I'm thinking of bringing it to Toyota dealer in Palo Alto.

Tony.. Thanks for the link. I'm a fan of everything you've done for the EV community! Any idea when the JAMP JR will be available?
For a DIY type if you construct an OpenEVSE with display you can set the current in 2A steps from 10A on L2.
GlennD said:
For a DIY type if you construct an OpenEVSE with display you can set the current in 2A steps from 10A on L2.

Second that.
I have several of those units but always carry one in the back of my rav4ev, with a bunch of adapters for different plugs.
Easy to change the amps you will draw , even possible to do L1 (120 volt) charging with the right combination (but who wants that right ?)
Perfect travel companion.
ken830 said:
... And how difficult is it to convince a dealer service center to replace the drive-unit under warranty? From my readings here on the forum, I'm thinking of bringing it to Toyota dealer in Palo Alto. ...
It ranges from easy to a real pain. If the noise is pretty obvious you should be fine. A few people have gotten a runaround about their noise being "within spec" whatever that really means. There's a BIG thread on that subject.

If you're handy it's hard to go wrong with the Open EVSE. I have one made by GlennD on the forum. Great guy. Does it as a hobby for basically the parts cost. If you don't want to make your own you can PM him. ClipperCreek makes good gear for a hang on the wall solution. Be careful as they name their products for the size of the circuit, not the amps they deliver. The Leviton is probably the cheapest, commercial 40a model available right now. I haven't heard anyone complaining about them

edit: Whups, I had a link to a much more expensive seller in here before. Sorry.
Thanks to everyone for steering me in the right directions...

I'm looking into a 50A OpenEVSE and starting to read the long motor-noise thread.

I had a highway-speed low-pitched drive-unit hum in my Model S after about 1/year 20k miles that Tesla eventually replaced. The new drive-unit doesn't do the hum, but the it does make a loud high-pitched "inverter" sound at low-power (10-20 kW). I'm living with it as "normal". The RAV is much. much louder and a lot less pleasant sounding.
ken830 said:
Any suggestions for better/cheaper EVSE?
A lot of JESLA fans here, but I am partial to the JuiceBox. I think there have been 3000 units sold world wide and climbing. The premium product can be set to the appropriate output current you desire, while using a free Android cell phone app. The only issue with the JB (up till now, as relates to the CPUC's Submetering Pilot EVSE requiriements) is that potential customers are still waiting for final UL approval. However, UL testing for approval has been in the works for sometime, and has been both expensive and VERY time consuming for the OEM, a small SF Bay Area company, Electric Motor Werks, to keep jumping over all the hurdles. Non-UL approved models are currently available if you can't wait, or do not want to be in the pilot program and they have a new "green" JuiceBox EVSE product for intelligent grid demand driven abatement with semi-automated controls.
Dsinned said:
ken830 said:
Any suggestions for better/cheaper EVSE?
A lot of JESLA fans here, but I am partial to the JuiceBox.

Thanks! I've heard of the JuiceBox before, but never looked into it. I like what I'm seeing in the Juicebox Pro 40.
ken830 said:
Tony.. Thanks for the link. I'm a fan of everything you've done for the EV community! Any idea when the JAMP JR will be available?

I'm finishing up development of JdeMO for the Rav4 (there's always something), but as soon as I can hand this over to the production side, I'll work on JAMP JR and a few other projects that are delayed.
So, I finally got the car a few hours ago. A couple of things I can't figure out:

1) Entunes -- I signed up for an account online and have the app installed, but I can't monitor charging with it. I can only set up media streaming services. It seems I need to enable it on by entering a Contract ID. Am I supposed to get this from the previous owner, or get my own? Does it require a contract or subscription fee or something??

2) How can I check on charging status when I'm sitting in the car? I can't seem to find a screen that tells me it's charging and at what rate (voltage / current).

3) The charge scheduler only has a complete-by time? No start time? And I'm guessing there's no geo-awareness to it? Like if I plug in to a public charger away from home, it won't charge immediately because I set it to scheduled charging? I have TOU plan at home, so I don't want to charge immediately at home, but obviously do when out in public.

4) Charging won't start when the car is "on", but when I turn the car "off", then I can't run the A/C heater? And I can't seem to even roll up/down the windows? Am I doing something wrong?

5) When listening to bluetooth audio, is there a scrub bar to seek to a specific time in the media player? Or at least a steering-wheel button to fast-forward (I tried to hold down the "skip" button)? I listen to audio books, and hitting the fast-forward button on the screen takes a lot of eye-off-the-road time and it only skips like 3 seconds.

6) Will the brake lights ever turn on when decelerating with regen-only? I drive in B-mode only to try to emulate the feel of my Model S

7) What about creep? Can that be disabled? By the dealer?

Sorry if these are obvious... I will find some time to read the manual soon.
ken830 said:
3) The charge scheduler only has a complete-by time? No start time? And I'm guessing there's no geo-awareness to it? Like if I plug in to a public charger away from home, it won't charge immediately because I set it to scheduled charging? I have TOU plan at home, so I don't want to charge immediately at home, but obviously do when out in public.

It only starts at a specific time. Sorry. Unlike the Model S and Roadster which will start charging up to 6 hours after the start time (example, 12:05am start time, but you plugged in at 6:04am... it will start charging immediately), if you plug in the Rav4 even one minute after the start time, it will go to the next day.

6) Will the brake lights ever turn on when decelerating with regen-only? I drive in B-mode only to try to emulate the feel of my Model S

No, the brake lights won't come on. It's most definitely a Toyota version of a Model S !!!

7) What about creep? Can that be disabled? By the dealer?

No, can't eliminate creep, either. Not even the dealer can.
Thanks Tony. I definitely like some things about the RAV more than the Model S, but the UI is terrible. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I never owned a Model S.
ken830 said:
So, I finally got the car a few hours ago. A couple of things I can't figure out:

2) How can I check on charging status when I'm sitting in the car? I can't seem to find a screen that tells me it's charging and at what rate (voltage / current).
Once you have entunes working you can see :
-status (charging/non charging)
-estimated time till charging finished
You will never see volt/amps.
Although I think the ravcharge app might know that

3) The charge scheduler only has a complete-by time? No start time? And I'm guessing there's no geo-awareness to it? Like if I plug in to a public charger away from home, it won't charge immediately because I set it to scheduled charging? I have TOU plan at home, so I don't want to charge immediately at home, but obviously do when out in public.
I use openevse at home which you set to be enabled during ToU hours.
And leave the car to "charge direct"
4) Charging won't start when the car is "on", but when I turn the car "off", then I can't run the A/C heater? And I can't seem to even roll up/down the windows? Am I doing something wrong?
nope, can't run ac or heater, but if you push your car on, without brake pedal pressed, it will let you operate the fan, the windows,radio etc.
ken830 said:
1) Entunes -- I signed up for an account online and have the app installed, but I can't monitor charging with it. I can only set up media streaming services. It seems I need to enable it on by entering a Contract ID. Am I supposed to get this from the previous owner, or get my own? Does it require a contract or subscription fee or something??
The contract ID is for Safety Connect. Safety Connect is the service for the button next to the front dome lights that calls Toyota if you break down or get into an accident. It is also needed for any service that uses the car's data connection, like remote charging, climate or the vehicle finder. I would have thought you'd get the contract ID from the previous owner. I'd call support and see if they can help you with that.
TonyWilliams said:
ken830 said:
3) The charge scheduler only has a complete-by time? No start time? And I'm guessing there's no geo-awareness to it? Like if I plug in to a public charger away from home, it won't charge immediately because I set it to scheduled charging? I have TOU plan at home, so I don't want to charge immediately at home, but obviously do when out in public.

It only starts at a specific time. Sorry. Unlike the Model S and Roadster which will start charging up to 6 hours after the start time (example, 12:05am start time, but you plugged in at 6:04am... it will start charging immediately), if you plug in the Rav4 even one minute after the start time, it will go to the next day.

once you get Entunes working, signup for RAVCHARGE ( which allows scheduled charging by time, day, etc. plus scheduled climate control start/stop. you can see charging and location info.

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