Cheapest RAV4 EV Toyota Extended Warranty

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Can you tell us which warranty option you purchased (entire vehicle or just drivetrain) and how much Troy quoted you? I'm at 32k miles and have been quoted $1730 for a 7 year, 125k drivetrain warranty through Wonderies. Also, can you give me Troy's contact information?
Kohler Controller said:
Can you tell us which warranty option you purchased (entire vehicle or just drivetrain) and how much Troy quoted you? I'm at 32k miles and have been quoted $1730 for a 7 year, 125k drivetrain warranty through Wonderies. Also, can you give me Troy's contact information?
I purchased the Platinum Care VSA extended warranty (6 year, 125K miles since I put 20-22K miles per year on the EV, and the 6 years starts from the placed in service/purchase date). This includes the extension of the drivetrain warranty for the same period. I paid $590 less than what you were quoted for 7 years. The Limited Powertrain only extended warranty (to 6 years, 100K) will run ~ $650 so you are better off with the bumper to bumper Platinum Care extended warranty for ~ $500 more (and covered for more miles). Troy can be reached at or (413) 772-0989.
See link for details:
The VSA PDF brochure shows what's covered and not covered, including the Hybrid coverage:
Drivetrain Warranty: Actuator Assembly Shift Control; Hybrid Vehicle Generator Assembly; Hybrid Vehicle Motor Assembly; Hybrid Vehicle Transaxle Assembly; Transmission Input Damper Assembly;
Platinum VSA: Battery Computer Assembly; Battery Current Sensor; Circuit Breaker Sensor; Combination Meter Assembly; Combination Meter Computer; Hybrid Vehicle Battery Blower Assembly; Hybrid Vehicle Battery Blower Motor Control; Hybrid Vehicle Battery Thermistor; Hybrid Vehicle Control Computer; Inverter Assembly with Converter; Main Switch Assembly; Power Source Control Computer Assembly; Power Steering Electronic Control Unit Assembly; Power Steering Gear Assembly; Shift Lever Position Sensor; Skid Control Computer Assembly; Steering Column Assembly; Transmission Control Module
Does anyone know if the DC-DC is covered under the PowerTrain warranty (5yr/60k) or only Basic Warranty (3yr/36k)?

Also, I notice that every 40k miles/48 months, Toyota recommends replace battery and motor/inverter coolant. Has anyone reached this level yet and had this service done? How much did it cost?

On a side note, they also state to replace the heater coolant at 100k miles/10 years.

Something for us Out-of-Staters to think about.
Kohler Controller said:
Does anyone know if the DC-DC is covered under the PowerTrain warranty (5yr/60k) or only Basic Warranty (3yr/36k)?

Also, I notice that every 40k miles/48 months, Toyota recommends replace battery and motor/inverter coolant. Has anyone reached this level yet and had this service done? How much did it cost?

On a side note, they also state to replace the heater coolant at 100k miles/10 years.

Something for us Out-of-Staters to think about.
It looks like the DC-DC is not covered under the powertrain warranty. I listed the items in the warranty booklet that came with the car on the previous page of this thread, here.
When I called Dianne Whitmire to inquire the cost, she said that an extended warranty is not necessary for the RAV4 EV as all components are covered for 8 yrs/125K miles. I even asked her about ICE Rav 4 things, which are also included. It would be nice to have a written reference. If anyone knows the warranty for this car, I surmise it would be her. Thanks, Dianne!
banshee08 said:
I know it has been mentioned before but which dealer does the over the phone purchase of Toyota Extended Warranty?

I contacted Troy with Toyota of Greenfield in Mass. about buying an extended warranty for the RAV4 EV. He replied back saying Toyota won't let him sell out of state anymore unless a mailing address in Mass. is provided or I go there in person to purchase it. One of my co-worker's brother lives in Mass so I gave Troy his address and then he forwarded it to me. Ask for a current quote because I received a 6yr/125k for $1140, cheaper than what is listed below.

Here's his email.

Unfortunately, Toyota/Lexus are now restricting dealers from selling policies across state lines. So at the moment, I can only sell a genuine Toyota/Lexus policy if you have a Massachusetts address we can use for the paperwork, or if you can come here in-person to purchase it. (Hint: Do you have any friends or relatives in Mass?)

Assuming we are able to clear that hurdle, here’s all the basic info and quotes:

Vehicle: 2011 – 2014 Rav4 EV with less than 36,000 miles.

Toyota Extra Care, Platinum coverage with $0 deductible:
6 yr / 75K - $685.00
6 yr / 100K - $985.00
6 yr / 125K - $1250.00
7 yr / 75K - $780.00
7 yr / 100K - $1140.00
7 yr / 125K - $1375.00
8 yr / 100K - $1255.00
8 yr / 125K - $1670.00

Most of the details on the Extra Care plans can be found directly at
Toyota's website at the following link, including all the various terms and
options available, just let me know if you would like a quote on a different
plan. ... ew_vehicle

Here are the purchase instructions if / when you decide to purchase.

I would need you to mail me an original signed letter indicating the exact
current mileage on your vehicle, and a copy of your current registration.(If
you are in a state where you don't get your state registration right away, I
can also use a copy of the bill of sale, purchase contract, or some other
official document which shows the owners name and address, along with the
vehicles VIN)

Sorry, I know its a little inconvenient, but its the only way we could come
up to cover ourselves on the mileage and VIN verification. After I receive
your letter, I can call you for credit card info, if that's how you choose
to pay, or you can include a check, money order, or the credit card info
with it. Also, make sure that the registration copy is legible (I have
gotten a couple of them recently that I couldn't read or had part of the VIN
chopped off on the copy).

Mail to:

Toyota of Greenfield
1 Main Street
Greenfield, MA 01301

Attn: Troy Dietrich

Phone - (413) 772-0231 (Dealership)
Phone - (413) 772-0989 (My direct line).
Fax - (413) 774-2247


Ntd said:
When I called Dianne Whitmire to inquire the cost, she said that an extended warranty is not necessary for the RAV4 EV as all components are covered for 8 yrs/125K miles. I even asked her about ICE Rav 4 things, which are also included. It would be nice to have a written reference. If anyone knows the warranty for this car, I surmise it would be her. Thanks, Dianne!
Dianne has posted that before*, but the only thing I've found is the following in Toyota's brochure:
Every Toyota Car, Truck and SUV is built to exceptional standards. And that’s not idle boasting. We back it up with
these Limited Warranty Coverages:
Basic: 36 months/36,000 miles (all components other than normal wear and maintenance items).
Traction Battery: 96 months/100,000 miles (regardless of charge mode).
Powertrain: 60 months/60,000 miles (engine, transmission/transaxle, drive system, seatbelts and airbags).
Rust-Through: 60 months/unlimited miles (corrosion perforation of sheet metal).
Accessories: For Genuine Toyota Accessories purchased at the time of the new vehicle purchase, the Toyota
Accessory Warranty coverage is in effect for 36 months/36,000 miles from the vehicle’s in-service date, which is
the same coverage as the Toyota New Vehicle Limited Warranty.
For Genuine Toyota Accessories purchased after the new vehicle purchase the coverage is 12 months, regardless
of mileage, from the date the accessory was installed on the vehicle, or the remainder of any applicable new vehicle
warranty, whichever provides greater coverage, with the exception of car covers. Car covers are warranted for 12
months from the date of purchase and do not assume any coverage under the Toyota New Vehicle Limited Warranty.
You may be eligible for transportation assistance if it’s necessary that your vehicle be kept overnight for repairs
covered under warranty. Please see your authorized Toyota dealership for further details.
For complete details about Toyota’s warranties, please visit, refer to the applicable Warranty
and Maintenance Guide or see your Toyota dealer.

There's also a link for the Warranty and Maintenance Guide, but their site seems to be down at the moment.

edit: OK, it came back up. It says the same thing, but it's in a chart I can't easily copy and paste. I don't know what Dianne is referring to. I'll email and ask her since I bought my car from her. I'd like to get this straight before the basic warranty runs out.

* Apparently not, see below...
I got a response from Dianne saying she never said that the car was covered for 8yr. 125k. She said you can buy an extended warranty for that. Hopefully we'll hear from Dianne directly. I gave her the link to this discussion.

edit: Sure enough, I searched and found no such post on the site.
I would hope that a dealer in California could match or beat Troy's prices in MA. Perhaps Dianne or ? Kinda like Dianne was the point person on EV sales / leases, we need someone to become the California Toyota Extended Warranty point person. I'd imagine with the right pricing, they'd sell enough volume wise to make up for the smaller profit margins.
I spent some time on the phone today, and found out several points relevant to this thread:

1) I verified with Toyota that the in service date of the RAV4 EV en route to me actually was February 2013 (I'd assumed it was closer to the pre-delivery inspection in October 2012). This means the 3/36 comprehensive warranty is good through February 2016.

2) I verified with a representative at my local CarMax store that MaxCare explicitly DOES cover the electric motor and transmission. The battery is not covered.

3) I verified with Toyota's Extra Care people that the Extra Care Platinum warranty DOES NOT cover the electric drivetrain components. This directly contradicts information stated earlier in this thread, and there's not documentation available publicly to refute it. (800-228-8559)

4) The Extra Care people mentioned that there is an unpublished warranty on the electric drivetrain components through Toyota Corporate. This may be what one of the earlier poster above was referring to obliquely. I called Toyota Corporate directly and was told that there indeed exists an 8/80 warranty specifically for the RAV4 EV's drivetrain components. I asked if this is documented on their public web site, and was told that it is not. (800-331-4331)

Add 1-4 together and it seems that MaxCare would be more comprehensive, but its coverage would be redundant as the native Toyota 8/80 EV drivetrain warranty would already cover the expensive bits.

If one did want an extended warranty for the non drivetrain bits, which might be a good idea for the heater alone, then I concede that the Toyota Extra Care Platinum VSA product is a much better deal once one finds a dealer willing to, well, deal. (One of my local Colorado dealers agreed to match Jerry Johnson's $734 price for an 8/75 plan. Full pricing from all those I contacted is below.)

So can anyone get something in writing about this 8 yr / 80,000 mile warranty from corporate? I was about to pull the trigger on the 8 yr/100,000 mi Platinum VSC but it looks like I'd be buying that big expensive warranty just for the heater and maybe the 12V Aux power system. Might drop $1100 on it anyway.

Reading the agreement in front of me, it says the Platinum covers all manufacturer-original equipment parts installed except for a big list of stuff like clutches, tires, brake pads, drums, chrome, sheet metal, seat covers, blalblahblah, but that list says nothing about electric drivetrain components and says nothing about gateway ECUs so I'm not sure they could really tell you it wasn't covered since it isn't explicitly not covered (unlike the battery pack which is listed as not covered by the Platinum VSA).
ground_gainer said:
So can anyone get something in writing about this 8 yr / 80,000 mile warranty from corporate? I was about to pull the trigger on the 8 yr/100,000 mi Platinum VSC but it looks like I'd be buying that big expensive warranty just for the heater and maybe the 12V Aux power system. Might drop $1100 on it anyway.

Reading the agreement in front of me, it says the Platinum covers all manufacturer-original equipment parts installed except for a big list of stuff like clutches, tires, brake pads, drums, chrome, sheet metal, seat covers, blalblahblah, but that list says nothing about electric drivetrain components and says nothing about gateway ECUs so I'm not sure they could really tell you it wasn't covered since it isn't explicitly not covered (unlike the battery pack which is listed as not covered by the Platinum VSA).

Call Toyota Corporate direct to get the info on the Platinum VSA. Other than on this list, I've never heard of anything regarding 80k miles.

The VSA will cover your drivetrain after its warranty expires. I'm assuming mine will get louder over time and am counting on the VSA to cover the cost should I need to replace it. I called Toyota Corporate and they said that the EV components (drivetrain-motor/controller, DC-DC, charger, ECU, etc) was covered under the VSA. My heater is being covered by the Platinum VSA, and it includes replacing the DC-DC.
I'm keeping the car but I'm only really putting 11-12k on it a year so 100,000 should be fine. I signed the form and sent it in. I just want a little extra piece of mind, especially as an out of stater.

Thanks for all the tips everyone!
Here are the phone numbers for people who wish to hear the word from the horse's mouth:

Toyota Extra Care (via Toyota Financial): 800-228-8559

Toyota Corporate: 800-331-4331
Quote from shikataganai "3) I verified with Toyota's Extra Care people that the Extra Care Platinum warranty DOES NOT cover the electric drivetrain components."

I just got off the phone with "Matt" at Toyota Extra Care (800-228-8559) , he says that the power train is covered. according to him, the warranty lists items not covered (mostly wear and tear items) and everything else is covered.

I wish there was better information (written instead of verbal) available. I'm at 35,660 miles so I need to decide soon.

I've gotten 2 quotes for 7 yrs/ 125,000 miles both $1490. (ouch)
When I called, I had to press the question, and the initial rep had to go off and ask someone else.

FWIW, I plan on getting the Extra Care Platinum product anyway, so that I have a chance of being covered one way or another (and then there's the heater).

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