I searched the forum and very little appears regarding the wide screen of the nav system. While underway today, in my Rav4EV (not my wife's this time), the music ceased playing and the screen displayed the calculated charge time. This particular display is that which appears when one powers off the vehicle. It was certainly unexpected to see it while traveling.
I pulled off the roadway and powered off the vehicle, but at power up, the screen remained black. Close examination of the screen does not indicate a loss of backlight.
At home later, I removed the ground from the 12v battery for five minutes or so. On reconnect, nothing was corrected.
The vehicle operates normally, but no music access, no GPS and the dash panel clock is incorrect. I checked the manual and determined that the fuses are healthy.
I'm not sure where to take the diagnostic process at this point.
Suggestions, especially DIY stuff, are appreciated.
I pulled off the roadway and powered off the vehicle, but at power up, the screen remained black. Close examination of the screen does not indicate a loss of backlight.
At home later, I removed the ground from the 12v battery for five minutes or so. On reconnect, nothing was corrected.
The vehicle operates normally, but no music access, no GPS and the dash panel clock is incorrect. I checked the manual and determined that the fuses are healthy.
I'm not sure where to take the diagnostic process at this point.
Suggestions, especially DIY stuff, are appreciated.