hanta said:
This $30 dongle from Amazon cured my beeps: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00C9B32J4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 "Fotga Newest V8.00.034 MINI VCI for TOYOTA TIS Techstream Diagnostic Cable & Software"
It took a little bit of fussing around with the software to get it installed, but once everything is talking to each other it was very simple to adjust configurable settings like reverse beeps, lighting delays, door unlocking. I like being able to do this myself.
I'm posting some of the comments from Amazon on the above product:
Works great on lexus also, which I figured but still a small chance it wouldn't.
Works great and allows you to change all those pesky dealer only options, but it also allows you to run realtime diagnostics and see real time values for all sorts of well....EVERYTHING...
Its about as cheap as cheap can get, price wise. For less than 25% of the price of 1 dealer option change you can own this. The product is great.
The instructions suck (I will post proper instructions at the bottom for installing the software)
I am getting a malware warning but nothing a good antivirus wont catch and get rid of.
And thats about it on the Cons.
Now on to the install instructions:
1. Windows XP ONLY nothing else will work.
2. Put the mini cd in and copy and extract all the files to a folder on your desktop.
3. First install "Toyota Techstream 8.00.034.exe"
4. Then install "Techstream_Update_V8.10.021.exe"
5. Then install "J2534 - Mangoose
6. Then install "MVCI Driver for
you will be prompted to plug in the adapter and do so when you and enter the key from the "
TISKEY.exe" file when prompted.
It is an awesome tool.
First off let me tell you this works 100% on my 2012 FJ Cruiser! Very pleased with the result, wanted to get rid of the annoying no seat belt warning buzzer.
!!PLEASE BE AWARE!!: This does not work on Windows 7 64 bit. It will run on Windows 8 32 bit. It will run on Windows 7 32 bit and was made for Windows XP (Either 32 or 64 bit work excellent)
A previous comment on here says you should be tech savy to use this cable. Very true.
If you have Something other than the previous Operating systems, ie if you have Windows 7 64 bit or Windows 8 64 bit, this WILL NOT WORK Properly. The MVCI driver will NOT install, I can promise you that.
But do not fear, here's the important thing you need to know. You can get it to work perfectly,you just need a Virtual Machine with a bootable .iso of Windows XP (32 or 64 bit doesn't matter). Boot that and install this techstream software on the VM, then connect to your car. voila! works.
Oh, 5/5 for this cable as an alternative to the OEM $500 Mongoose cable!