Jscifres said:Congratulations on your new Rav4!
Way to be patient and take your time to test a few of them as well.
As a note, if this tranny noise is important to you, insists that they let you drive on the freeway at least 65mph for at least some duration. I noticed that my new rav4 tranny is just a wee bit more noticeable just right above 65mhp today (could also be my imagination, since I'm more critical knowing that it may be a potential future issue). Not enough to fret about, but if it gets any worst, Toyota will hear about it.
The one I rented was a lot louder even at 45mph. Also you have to be applying power (or regen'ing) at those speed to hear it. If there's no power, there's no noise. So there may be specific characteristics for each car, so make sure you can live with it. It's hard to gauge what "normal" is, but the standard is the LEAF for us, so pretty high in this regard IMO.
Tony, hope yours get resolved quickly, and please keep us posted for future reference.