Accelerator response time?

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2013
Cupertino, CA
My wife had reported to me significant lag between pressing the accelerator and the 2012 RAV4-EV responding. She normally drives the LEAF and she also experience with 2002 RAV4-EV and 2002 Prius. There is enough lag that presses the pedal more and she gets big jump when it finally goes.

Today she ended using the 2012 RAV4-EV because the LEAF was reporting a tire pressure problem. She told that me the RAV rolled back significantly when she was at an inclined driveway before the car responded.

I personally have not noticed this so I'm guessing there is a difference in the response that is being masked by a difference in our driving style.

I can't do any tests at the moment since I'm out travelling.

I have personally noticed some lag when depressing the accelerator pedal, but it is very similar if not the same as when I was driving my 2010 Prius. even then, that was only less than a second or so. If she is reporting any more than that I would take it to the dealership and have them check it out
No lage with mine. Step on the gas (or in our case EV ;) ) pedal and it goes!

I'll try to pay more attention to see if any lag is there with different driving styles but so far haven't noticed a thing. There is a little roll back though if on a slight incline.
arnolddeleon said:
She told that me the RAV rolled back significantly when she was at an inclined driveway before the car responded.
Yes, my 2012 Rav4 EV rolls back when stopped on an incline.

No, I do not notice any lag when depressing the accelerator pedal. (Quite the opposite, frankly.) That having been said, the Rav4 EV is horrible to control at speeds from 1-4 mph, IMHO. Perhaps that's what she's feeling when trying to inch forward or backward in a parking garage?
Yes... I have experienced the lag too. It's very noticeable when comparing to the Leaf. I have trained myself to not to depress the accelerator too much when on a hill... otherwise it will lurch. I don't see it as a problem, just not as refined. It's perhaps a .5 second delay. It's a software issue that could be fixed. I heard they added "creep" to the Tesla via a software update.
Back from vacation and I got to drive both the LEAF and the RAV4-EV in close succession today with a ear (foot?) out for the lag that my wife observed. After a couple of weeks away from both cars (one week of no driving and another week of driving a 2002 Prius) it was interesting.

I drove the LEAF first and when I switched to the RAV4-EV I noticed that a few times I didn't get the launch I was expecting. I think with the LEAF I "learned" to be easy on the accelerator in "D" to avoid jackrabbit starts and be more efficient. The same foot pressure on the RAV4-EV is not enough. On a slope I get a little roll back. In the flat it's just a slower launch from launch. I switched the RAV4-EV to angry mode (sport mode) and the problem pretty went away for me. I told my to try sport mode next team she drives the RAV.


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